
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 24 points 5 hours ago

Thank you Democratic campaign, and media for finally starting to call out the Trump campaign when they make 2 conflicting statements in the same month. Trump's popularity comes from people selectively hearing what they want to hear.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago)

I think all Hispanic Americans have to bring a translated "Projeto 2025" in front of the people in Florida. Some xenophobic Cubans in Miami want to pull up the ladder behind them. In the report, there is a focus on de-naturalization if they detect fraud (p. 144). Chances are they will twist it to prosecute people with certain skin colours in particular and MAGA doesn't care if you had left your country of birth 40 years ago or yesterday. It also mentions de-prioritize processing speed of even legitimate cases held by their friends and family (p.144).

[–] [email protected] 21 points 8 hours ago

"Weird." That's a perfectly succinct word to make anyone stop, actually reflect on what Trump and his cult are saying and asking themselves whether this is really what they want from their next leader.

It's not specifically charged at a specific physical characteristic of trump, Democrats dishing out a low blow for once yet unlike all of Trump's low blows.

Optimistic take: If Democrats could have just a single word be a silver bullet, "Weird" would be it. (No offense to weird Al, he's great and he can keep his weirdness)

Think about the next time Uncle Jack at the dinner table goes off on immigrants taking the jobs, America is a 3rd world country, we should ban books, ban calling people what they want to be called, climate change is a hoax, how terrible DEI wokeness is, making fun of Kamala etc., when no amount of arguing policy or morality is going to convince him otherwise. Just responding with "Weird.", might shut him up and make everyone at the table reflect.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 9 hours ago (1 children)

"Plan to sleep is still plan"

[–] [email protected] 6 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago) (6 children)

It is very depressing, yes. But a candidate that is 10/10 on every possible good measure that loses to Trump due to Democratic infighting, will be a worse outcome to someone that is mediocre in some respects but can win. It is the most important hurdle, and at the very least I can say the Democrats have some semblance of a strategy now that they didn't have before, and that's reason for hope.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 10 hours ago (2 children)

For our dear friends across the pond: Kerby

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

Earl's sighted! One of those restaurant chains everyone thinks only were in their own city.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 11 hours ago

Toronto has many cycling paths but they are pitiful like on Bloor Street. Cops park there, garbage bins get left there including big metal skips like in this instance, so on and so forth. There needs to be better paths off of the main road, made exclusively for bikes, scooters and local traffic.

The concept like in Japan described in this NJB video is something that Vancouver does much better with their overall bike infrastructure. They don't even need to paint thick green lines or erect barriers on many of these roads because the roads are quiet and slow enough for people to comfortably cycle down the middle, and cars can't use them to through-run and bypass the main road.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago) (3 children)

r/metaCanada was super right wing, honestly I think r/Canada had some of the same tendencies and moderation, making them right wing, them being a default canada sub is silly to me, but I'm not on reddit anymore so whatever. r/Onguardforthee was Canada's more leftwing subreddit, closer to Lemmy's [email protected]

In real life Canada, provinces of BC, ON, QC and some of the maritimes lean left generally, SK, AB lean right (like the Montana and Texas of Canada). Cities lean a lot more left but outlying suburbs tend to lean right.

Toronto and Vancouver have let in lots and lots of immigrants and refugees (about the same as the US despite being 1/10th the size), which is great but it does put pressure on housing, wages and other supports. The problems are more a failure of housing policy and use of Temporary Foreign Worker plan to intentionally pay Canadians less, than it is the fault of the immigrants.

We are culturally diverse, yet there are some voices from people including those who are first or second generation immigrants that oppose immigration (pulling up the ladder behind them). Now there are some aspects of foreign culture I don't wish to import that immigrants will need to discard (caste discrimination for example) but in other respects, diversity is our strength and it's what makes us Canada. Not the colour of our skin.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 19 hours ago

I can help answer this for you. Yes you have power tripping mods on a small handful of servers or communities, but this is where the solution comes in. If you feel it's not justified, you can join another server that fits your vibe better, or create a community on another server. [email protected] to [email protected] is one of the biggest examples of a mass community migration.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 19 hours ago (2 children)

Feel free to check my profile. Let me have a low-quality joke comment every once in a while :)

[–] [email protected] 7 points 23 hours ago

Welcome welcome! There are a lot of apps to choose from, check out here:

Jerboa is my choice, but what you settle on depends on what features you want.


Chapter 19 of the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 edition of Mandate for Leadership (Direct PDF link) is full of policies that would be terrible for the US.


  • Replace national transportation infrastructure projects with a flat transportation subsidy formula to each state (most of whose DoTs don't know how to do anything with money other than build highways)
  • Stop funding mass transit, give public funds to Rideshare companies like Uber/lyft instead.
  • Preserve single family home zoning at all costs. Each state and city knows what is best for their people, better than the federal government, except when states and cities do something that conservatives don't like.
  • Screw California in particular.
  • Trying to reduce the number of traffic fatalities is bad if anyone dare suggests that we have to drive a little bit slower.

cross-posted from:

Taken at Vancouver, BC in June 2024


Taken at Vancouver, BC in June 2024


Photo taken in Vancouver, Canada in July 2024.


The contest from last month had established five finalists:

The first row is the new logo that will be used going forward and in version 1.0 of the program!


Link is a 1h42m video interview between Louis Rossmann, FUTO and Immich developers with a introduction to Immich by Louis.

Immich is an open source self-hosted in-development tool to manage image libraries from a central server, and sync/distribute them across your devices, as an alternative to Google Photos. Also see:

The important news here is that FUTO has funded full time development on Immich for 3 years.


Principal Skinner is voiced with Superintendent Chalmers' lines and vice versa.


Context, a thread on rising fast food costs and comparing local joints in terms of value:


Inspired by:

From the article:

The B-2 is being divested in FY 2025 due to a ground accident/damage presumed to be uneconomical to repair

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