this post was submitted on 14 Jul 2023
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[–] Z4rK 9 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Well I guess this couldn’t be more mild, but at an early point in my career where I was active and a little picky in creating my professional network, LinkedIn tricked me into sending an invite to every single one of my phone contacts.

Now, I had a large social network on my phone, with people of all interesting kinds, but I tried to keep LinkedIn as a network of peers I had actually worked with and could recommend, not more random people like on Facebook (we’re quite a few years back in time here).

There was no way of canceling these invites. The only solution I had was to deactivate my account for half a year or so. Even still, people I had previously invited would randomly appear in my network whenever they created an account / accepted my invite, for years later.

I like to think that I’ve grown out of these insecurities (professionally), and it’s almost, almost, funny to think back on how mortified I was of the situation.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 11 months ago (1 children)

MY POCKET accidentally uploaded a nude from my ex to fb story. didnt realize til a little after. pretty sure i had smart unlock while on my home network enabled. loose shorts. disabled it after that. got a couple reacts before i noticed it 😬

[–] beefbaby182 4 points 11 months ago

Woopsie poopsie lmao

Were they at least good reactions?

[–] TheDoctorDonna 7 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I once texted my mother for pot instead of my dealer. Clearly I needed to smoke another joint.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 11 months ago (1 children)
[–] TheDoctorDonna 4 points 11 months ago

Probably, but there's no way she would have told me that. She was a hypocrite of the highest order and liked to shame me for smoking but then smoked behind our backs.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 11 months ago

Not me but my ex accidentally sent me a bunch of explicit messages she was sending to someone else. Hurt like hell at the time but 15 years later it’s pretty funny.

[–] emoknapsack 4 points 11 months ago

One time my work had a “employee appreciation fair” with snacks and games. One game was a cake walk. They asked that if you won a cake you quit playing. My shitty coworker Diane won a cake and kept playing and won a second cake and no one stopped her because it was just a dumb work event. After the fair ended we all went back to our cubes and Diane was gloating about her two cakes.

Another coworker, my friend Laura, told her in front of everyone in our department that she should share one of the cakes with us. Laura pointed out it was only fair as she really shouldn’t have gone back for a second. Our bosses were there and she was really put on the spot, so she begrudgingly agreed to share whilst shooting daggers at Laura. We all cut slices of cake and took them back to our desks to continue work.

I composed an email, the contents of which I’ve forgotten but was something to the effect of “Diane was shooting daggers at you so hard I’m surprised you aren’t dead! Watch out cause she’s probably going to stab you later!” I titled it “STABBED” and sent it to Laura. After a few minutes she pinged me to talk about the Diane situation and I mentioned that I already sent her an email about it. As you can guess, it turns out she didn’t receive it because I accidentally sent it to a totally different Laura! Someone in a different building, in a different part of town. I quickly sent an apology and asked her to disregard the email as it was sent in error. She never responded or acknowledged it in any way which is about the best I could ask for in that situation. This was back in 2008-2009 so I imagine the response would be very different now.

[–] Hang 3 points 11 months ago

An old girlfriend was back in town and she wanted to take some pictures of us playing around for her OnlyFans. After we had done the deed she handed me her phone & told me to pick my favorite pictures & send them to myself. Turns out she has a coworker with the same first name as me & I wasn't paying attention due to the afterglow...