I like how they added noise barriers, to preserve the comfort of the inhabitants.
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It's more likely to protect them from physical objects.
More likely to protect the engineers from legal ramifications
Those don't look solid, I think they're a physical barrier to prevent cars from going for insane stunt bonuses
Millennials: Maybe I can afford this one?
Guarantee it still costs 100k +
Close to freeway and highway!
Easy access
Then we will fight in the shade!
Ah nothing like some car pollution at all hours of the day and night to keep you going
And the DEAFENING noise!
Don't forget the free rubber micro particles from tyres ready to be huffed.
It's now a load bearing house.
Ok, I’ll be the one: This isn’t real, right?
I friggin hope not. But I wouldn't be surprised if it was.
According to this Reddit post, it's apartments for highway workers. Not sure how to verify that, but you can see from the pictures that it's not a house.
Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn't work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: [email protected]
Well, for an hour or so, the sun should reach the windows.
Got one of these in Northern England where they just split the motorway around a farmhouse. At least they left him tunnels to drive his tractor through.
Ah it's The Pretender's house
I'm thinking they probably wish they would have taken the money.