
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 25 points 11 hours ago (14 children)

As an older guy: It's the same picture.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 11 hours ago (1 children)

If only 17 year old me had understood that.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 21 hours ago (2 children)

I think any aliens advanced enough to visit Earth would probably understand it.

Whether it's horror movies or extreme sports, it is some kind of play, which is about creating a safe or controlled environment to explore things that either isn't really happening (horror movies) or things that haven't been tried before (extreme sports).

A lot of extreme sports are actually relatively safe because it's done by individuals in highly controlled environments. Statistically it's a lot more dangerous to participate in other sports or everyday activities where there's a larger risk from other participants or things that are unpredictable. Things like horse riding, traffic and trampolines are more dangerous because they're more unpredictable. The consequences might be worse if it fails thoughm, making it "extreme".

Travelling through space to explore inhabited planets absolutely requires the same kind of desire and process of safely testing out things that are potentially dangerous.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 day ago

Come on then, at the very fucking least just state what you think is wrong with the post.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 day ago (9 children)

I've seen the same kind of visualization made from different sources before showing the same point. There is really nothing shocking or unbelievable in the picture?

It's fine to be sceptical because it is an estimate. However it is a qualified estimate. Read more from the source:

If you have a better way of estimating the figure, I'm sure they would be all ears.

I do remember reading school books and science articles 30-40 years ago and the estimates then were different, but that's just how science works.

Again it's fine to be sceptical, but unless you can provide an alternative figure with better documentation, I really don't understand why you're encouraging people to be sceptical.

It's almost as if you seem to have different motive, so I have decided to doubt your scepticism.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)


Der er en del løst mørtel fra tidligere dør, som jeg tænker er bedst at fjerne, og afstanden fra dybeste punkt og ud til en potentiel nogenlunde vinkelret lysning er 8-10 cm. Det er lidt mere end jeg er vant til at gratte på.


Jeg skal reparere murværk omkring en yderdør i en kælder. Tømreren som lavede døren har slået ret store stykker af muren af omkring hele murhullet, så det er lidt mere end en tynd pudsning som skal til.

Jeg vil ikke bygge en lysning af træ/gips men bare mure op, pudse og male. Det passer bedst med resten af kælderen hvor det hele bare er gammelt murværk og puds.

Jeg tænker på at lave midlertidige støtter af brædder for at få det nogenlunde lige, særligt i toppen, men det bliver alligevel nogle dybe ujævnheder som skal udfyldes. Jeg er derfor i tvivl om det kan gøres med "universal mørtel" som måske kun er egnet til tynd pudsning eller om der skal bruges noget mere cement-agtigt som kan holde til større dybde. Altså, jeg vil hellere lave en god solid fyldning end at skulle vente på at 10 lag af tynd puds tørrer. Jeg kan ikke rigtigt finde sådan et produkt?

Skal/kan man evt. fylde op med mindre stykker mursten eller andet undervejs?

Hvordan gør man?

[–] [email protected] 13 points 3 days ago

Pop() one lever from each set.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 3 days ago (12 children)
[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

It sorts the entire word. 4 is after 5 because FO is after FI.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Yes, sure it can. Mashed/blended spaghetti bolognese or lasagna are available as baby food.

Baby food products are basically just ordinary food blended and packed in smaller convenient portions. Simply look at the package to see what it contains.

Cat and dog foods are completely different kinds of food, which is often made from animal biproducts and not suitable for human consumption.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 days ago (6 children)


Please take your evening off to explain to the common man how electrons are distributed without restoring to quantisation.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

It is exactly that though.

Irrationel and rational numbers are both real.

Quantum physics is limited to the quantum, hence the name.


How do I best view tabs from pages like ultimate guitar and others on a phone browser, so that the chords and lyrics match up? I know on pc they usually show up fine in notepad or with ASCII fixed sys font, but I can't quite figure out how to set it up for easy browsing on an android phone. I tried copying it to other apps but none of them have a fixed width font.

How do you do it?


Denmark just had the national entry contest today.

The winner was Saba with the song "Sand". Linked in the post.

The top three final also included the 2014 winner Basim with the song "Johnny" and Janus Wiberg from Faroe Islands with the song "I need your love". Both received more audience votes than the winner, but the jury votes had put Saba ahead from the start.

cha cha cha (

Anyone else ready to go again?

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