Glad I picked up a Steam Deck: Online play shutdown = never
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Moders will make servers like they did for Wii.
That's not really true. Every game will be offline at some point if the publisher don't want to pay for server anymore.
If that game relies on a corpo server, maybe, but even most of those games can likely be modded to work with local host or a "pirate" host.
That's the case for nintendo games as well. There are projects to keep online alive
Doesn't Nintendo have a history of shutting down any fan stuff though? PC games are usually waaaay more mod friendly.
There are a lit projects that doesn't disturb nintendo's lawyers. Nintendo doesn't like it it people make money with their brands, take money away from them or hurt nintendo's reputation. The Pokemon fan project ura####, got shut down because they try to get money with it, but pokemon ######(not sure if against rules) online is a online none profit project that is online now for years. You just have to understand nintendo. Alternativ online server for nintendo games, seems to be fine with them.
Do the Wii and Wii U emulators on steam deck have online capability?
I wanna say yes but I haven't even scratched the surface of emulating yet so I'm not sure: Still have an absolutely massive backlog of Steam games to play through. That said, I heard Emudeck is fucking fantastic!
You can't play on official servers though
Guessing that they announce the Switch successor before that date to mask the bad news.
I am assuming afterwards if I'm going by eShop closure and TotK trailer 3
I feel confident about a September release ngl
Do you mean that I can't play Splatoon online after 76 days ? On Wii u?
My childhood is starting to leave me.