"Zero tolerance" == Let the kids from fucked up households and shitty parents fuck your kids up for life, because that's our policy.
Damn, they require like 50GB vram, that's nuts.
Not all ~~trans~~ women want to be sexually objectified btw
deciphered in ⏱️ 1m 59s
Puzzle #555
I needed this after yesterday's Yodel bullshit. No one's heard of a fucking Yodel lol.
Dionysus or a male Hedone.
Well well well, look what you have waiting for you. A nice blip of free dopamine. You're welcome and have a lovely evening.
ChatGPT gets it.
Happy wife, happy life. Marriage is about compromise and sometimes I want to be happy too.
I mean... If you bought at $350, yeah, but anything less than $60 before the split is still positive.
I see why it's such a hard read now.
Today I'm thankful for having 1/4 tank of gas and the financial means to buy more when I have time.
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Wait, going to bed early is a sign of depression? Or the not eating part?