
joined 1 year ago
[–] kuneho 1 points 13 hours ago

more like a dedicated assistant button than wake-word I think

[–] kuneho 2 points 16 hours ago (1 children)

Welcome to City 17. You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers.

I thought so much of City 17 that I elected to establish my Administration here in the Citadel so thoughtfully provided by our benefactors. I have been proud to call City 17 my home. And so, whether you are here to stay, or passing through on your way to parts unknown, welcome to City 17.

It's safer here.

[–] kuneho 7 points 16 hours ago

30 from it is stackoverflow, 10 are github, and 2 e926 pages.

[–] kuneho 4 points 1 day ago

the link cable is also pretty nice for midi synching

[–] kuneho 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

if by furry you mean the subculture, then I think the best term for the opposite would be skinny.

I think I've already came across this in some kind of furry comic or fiction... (where skinny is a subculture for furry characters, based around humans.)

[–] kuneho 1 points 2 days ago
[–] kuneho 9 points 4 days ago

14 werewolves...

it's just suspiciously perfect

[–] kuneho 1 points 6 days ago
[–] kuneho 3 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

It's obviously Death Metal Drumming Washing Machine

But in the past few years this Amen Break Chopping video is what I watch almost every day as well.

[–] kuneho 2 points 1 week ago

They used to deliver these things for free, in 30 minutes or less, or your pizza was free too.

I guess that too now kinda falls into the "too late to buy your own house" thing

[–] kuneho 8 points 1 week ago

first Tenacious D, now this...

[–] kuneho 3 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Would it worth, though? I mean, is there a significant difference on IDE between HDD or SSD? With an adapter, SATA speeds on the long run would be bottlenecked by IDE if I'm correct.

submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by kuneho to c/[email protected]

Hi guys!

So I recently discovered gemini and I just love it. Currently working on a browser application for Android, but in the meantime I was curious how this cgi hosting works, so I sketched up quickly a small blogging system in Python.

You just put your gmi files inside a folder, config gemBlog and it lists them, categorized by date (year and month).


It's not great code by any means, but it was fun to scribble it down.

You can see it in action (with not much and random testing content in hungarian...) here:


It is now hardwired to the environment variables Jetforce uses, but with minimal editing, I think it can be used with other server application.

Anyway, have a nice day!

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by kuneho to c/techsupport

Hi guys! Hope this is the appropriate place to ask this question, but here it goes.

I have a Dell Inspiron 7520 laptop with integrated Intel and ATI graphics.

Recently I've installed Debian 12 on it, using Plasma.

Everything is fine and dandy, but there's a problem; when the system comes back from sleep, or I boot up the PC with the lid closed down, the screen never comes back. The system is running, but there is no screen.

Also, it's not just a blank screen, it does not get power, no backlight, no image on the screen if I shine a flashlight onto it and look hard.

Interrestingly, if I switch sessions to any ttys, the screen comes back and the terminal session displays fine. If I Alt+F7 back to the graphical session, the screen turns off again.

In theory, every graphics driver should be installed, I have non-free-firmware in my sources.list, all the packages that the Debian documentation mentions are installed.

Don't know, if relevant, but same on both X11 and Wayland.

Any ideas?

Thanks, guys :)

Some specs of the machine:

  • CPU: Intel Core i7 (3rd Gen) 3612QM / 2.1 GHz
  • GPU: Intel HD Graphics 4000 + AMD Radeon HD 7730M (switchable*)
  • RAM: 16GB**

*: Not sure this switchable thingamajig works, tho. Haven't really tested, the only purpose of this machine is to start OBS and begin outputting video on NDI.

**: Though 16GB is not really supported on paper I guess and had some really funky issues before, not sure what was the real purpose, the system is rock solid since the last few OS installs.

submitted 2 months ago by kuneho to c/chiptune
Public beta test ended. (self.mariokartpn)
submitted 3 months ago by kuneho to c/mariokartpn

Welp guys, looks like the public beta access to Pretendo has ended and got restricted.

Either we wait or can donate them to gain beta access, but time will tell what's next.

It's just my opinion, but I guess MK7 and 8 will probably go public sooner or later.

Or selfhost... 😉

Until then... stay tuned, I guess. ✌️

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by kuneho to c/mariokartpn

Post your PNID and/or 3DS Friend Code here, if you wish.

Also, add what games you play or looking for people to play!

Community created (self.mariokartpn)
submitted 4 months ago by kuneho to c/mariokartpn

Hey all!

Stuff will coming here. Probably.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by kuneho to c/[email protected]

Hey guys!

As you may all know, the Big N soon will shutdown all online services for the 3DS family and the Wii U. Surprising? Not much. But hurts nonetheless.

Though I personally don't really use actively my 3DS (and I also sold out from it a long time ago, still have 2, somewhat functioning O3DSs *:waiting to be repaired), I couldn't help but dust off my working* console and went online.

Apart from the nerdgasm I had (since, 7 is my absolute favorite Mario Kart in every possible way) I couldn't help but notice how fucking awful the online was. Same 4-5 japanese dude, fully packed with cheats and hacks.

My heart was broken, but all that doesn't matter. This is why I'm kinda OK with the shutdown, tho I don't know about the other games. I mean, Mario Maker, Mario Kart 8, Splatoon, these all will be gone, and I'm sure lots of people have similar feelings towards their games like I do to MK7. So saying this could sound pretty harsh, but if this is the case with the other games as well - and the Wii U's also a pretty open and used book for hacks nowadays - maybe... it's really time. Honestly, it's just WILD how online gaming on the 3DS (and probably on the Wii U as well) works from today's standpoint.

But I just got off-tracks.

What I really wanted to talk about and just wanted to give a little bit of context for this, is Pretendo.


If you don't know about Pretendo, it's an open-source Nintendo Network implementation. Basically, you can create a PNID here on the normal way you would create an NNID on your machine, and all your 3DS online services are now routed to Pretendo. Currently, some games, but at least Mario Kart 7 online works, pretty much flawlessly (except Friend functions). But it's real, it works, it's amazing... just really empty.

You can find the list of the compatible games and their states.

It even has some kind of Miiverse alternative too up and running, called Juxtaposition.

Using a modded console, it's just a matter of installing a title. https://pretendo.network/docs/install
You can change between Pretendo and Nintendo here.

Though use it at your own risk, as any homebrews that mess with the system in one or another way.

I'm maybe just too excited, but the online services will be killed off anyway, and I just love MK7 way too much, so I'm glad these people made it possible to run custom servers for it.

What do you guys think about it?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by kuneho to c/[email protected]

Hello guys!

I'm encountering some strange behaviour with audio controls and volumes, nothing extreme serious, just moderate annoyance source, so I thought maybe you can help me sort this one out! Also I hope this is the right community for this...


The thing is, I'm running Debian Bookworm, with Plasma and I have a rather strange audio setup. It has its legacy reasons, but I use a sound card (CMI8738/CMI8768, it has 5.1 output), and as for the speakers, I've got a pair of active 2.0 speakers and an active subwoofer (which was a part of a 2.1 system, but now I just use only the woofer). These are connected separately to the card; the stereo pair goes to the green output jack (front) and the subwoofer goes to another, which I think is the center+woofer output.

For some reason, the center and woofer was swapped on my card, or the subwoofer was hooked to the other channel, no idea, but I was managed to change them in pulsaudio's config /usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/profile-sets/default.conf and modifying [Mapping analog-surround-*], changing the order of lfe and front-center in channel-map.

Then I noticed I can't really control the woofer, it worked, the setup was working, but not in the way I wanted to. The goal was to make the system actually control the outputs as intended and think about it as a 2.1. Amongst the profiles, there were no 2.1 option, only stereo, quadrophonic, 5.1 and 7.1.

By adding this line to ~/.config/pulse/default.pa...

load-module module-combine channels=3 channel_map=front-left,front-right,lfe

...and also editing ~/.config/pulse/daemon.conf by adding these to it (tho honestly I don't really remember, why)...

remixing-produce-lfe = yes
remixing-consume-lfe = yes
lfe-crossover-freq = 120
enable-remixing = yes

...I was managed to create a virtual output that behaves actually like 2.1. I can control both left and right channels and also the woofer on its own. Neat!

(the problem)

Now I have two volume controls. One for the "real" output - the 5.1 profile and the virtual one, the 2.1.

In Plasma toolbar, changing the volume with the scroll wheel is unpredictable, or, at least, I haven't really figured out how it works at the moment; sometimes it controls the real output, sometimes the virtual. On my left screen, it usually controls the real, on the right, most of the times it controls the virtual. But it just changed at the moment as I tried out, typing this post. Now both of them controls the real one.

The goal would be to have the real output constantly on 100%, and every volume controlling action should be take place on the virtual output.

Also, another strange thing is that even tho it looks like everything is fine and dandy, the overall output is low. When this happens, usually on the real output the left, right and woofer channels themselves are changed to lower (probably a previous state of the virtual output) volumes.

This all seems pretty random and unpredictable. If it works, it's awesome, and problems doesn't occur for days, but sometimes they do, and I have no idea why.

Any ideas?


I'd like to know why my volume controls (scroll wheel, volume keys) have effect on seemingly random outputs, and why do the volume of each channel that is present in my virtual output get change ON the physical setup (so the left, right and subwoofer sliders in the 5.1 output) persistently.



Isten nyugosztalja, remélem jól érzi magát az öreg a legendák közt.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by kuneho to c/vgmusic

I'm still blown away by this track; it's just amazing IMO

submitted 7 months ago by kuneho to c/memes

Not sure if it's NSFW tho...

Just imagine (lemmy.world)
submitted 7 months ago by kuneho to c/memes
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