this post was submitted on 27 Apr 2024
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[โ€“] [email protected] 12 points 2 months ago (1 children)

But I also have to mix that with eggs and milk. The mix is just add water and there's no difference in taste or texture. Why do extra work when you get the same results with less?

[โ€“] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago

I prefer to have some ingredients that are more flexible over having a specialized product that only makes few things or just one thing.

I do like to bake and I cook a fair amount, so ingredients like flour, baking soda, baking powder, and sugar go far in my household.

Sometimes my family needs to go on special diets and having more control over what goes into my food helps a lot. (That low FODMAP diet was a bitch.)

But that's just my situation. These types of mixes save a lot of time and effort. Can't really knock that.