Confidently Incorrect
When people are way too smug about their wrong answer.
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Being casually sexist in an anecdote about alleged sexism, ok.
I actually experienced this exact same scenario, where someone accused me of being an idiot on a topic and referenced me to educate myself on a paper that I myself wrote. Dude was a white male, but I am too.
Hilarious because when he threw that at me I told him to look at the author and he doubled down that I was wrong, and I didn't understand the nuance of the paper I wrote.
Short of it is people can be condescending douches even without sexism.
Particularly in academia, which is a broad field that seems to draw in some seriously smug arseholes.
And everyone clapped.
I know how it sounds, but it happened and it was very much not "and everyone clapped".
It was not in some big venue, there was no audience for the exchange.
There was no wittiness in some snappy comeback, it was a plain statement of looking at the author.
There was no satisfying element of him realizing he was wrong or spinning out somehow, just a continuation of his argument largely unabated. This was in spite of the fact that it wasn't some big complex phenomenon, it was a very specific problem with a provably correct solution (mathematically speaking), but he had already decided there could be no solution so he wasn't receptive.
Things happen, though it's rare that things go down on such a publicly standing satisfying way as documented on these internet stories.
How is she being sexist exactly?
By pointing out the gender (and race) of the other person even though it’s completely irrelevant.
If the original sexist behaviour was typically done by women to other women just as often as by men, the gender of the perpetrator wouldn't matter,.
Fact of the matter is that this kind of shutting women up and taking down to them is overwhelmingly done by men.
That's true in the business world, academic world, etc.
Considering this, this is a key piece of information about the situation, not a sexist way to blame men.
To paraphrase my comment from elsewhere in this thread:
When someone commits a robbery and they happen to be the race that commits robberies the most often, do you think their race is a key piece of information that should be included when talking about the robbery?
Behaving like a sexist pig != committing a robbery
And frankly, as robberies are often a symptom of inequality, and historical racism has led members of certain "races" to have very few options for living a decent life, the "race" of a robber can be just as relevant as any other factor when discussing it.
Especially if the discussion is about how to reduce the number of robberies occurring.
Boy have you been trained.
I'm just gonna leave this here.
It's not irrelevant. It's actually being intentionally framed as if his race is the reason for his undesirable qualities. That's worse. It's racism specifically for the sake of it. She's propping herself up by putting down a race and a gender because she knows others with her same racism will get a kick out of it and upvote her bullshit meant to put her in the spotlight.