this post was submitted on 11 Mar 2024
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My prints come out very well but I’m noticing on larger prints that one corner of my bed prints tighter than the opposite. What’s causing this?

Printing on an Ender 3 Pro with upgraded metal extruder, beefier bed springs and metal levelers, and upgraded hot end. Not direct drive yet and no auto bed leveling.

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[–] SzethFriendOfNimi 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Ahh. May be physical then. I do have a longer write up I did for somebody else who was having issues who was running Klipper I can link to shortly.

But basically it may be worth making sure everything is solid physically. E.g. extrusions are square, not overly tightened, vwheels are tight enough without being so tight that they end up having bumps and presenting weird issues like this.

Here’s the link. Nothing more frustrating than when everything should work and just isn’t. Been there so many times myself.