
joined 1 year ago
[–] QuarterSwede 1 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

Running with my eyes closed Weary flesh and bone I can feel the fire Burning in my lungs

Maybe there's a reason why My heart pounds inside my chest Saying it's okay to take your time Slow it down, you just need rest

I've been holding on with all my might But can hardly catch my breath Thinking maybe it's the hope inside That comes alive When it's all we have left

Dancing with the ocean Caught up in the tide I can feel the motion Pull me out to the cold and darker side

But maybe there's a reason why I get dragged beneath the surface Every kick against the current I sink down deeper and I ask myself

Is there something more than meets the eye That makes all these troubles worth it? Or could it be the hope inside That comes alive When it's all we have left? When it's all we have left

It's alright, yeah it's okay If this all stays the same Old dreams will die New dreams will grow But I just want a hand to hold A hand to hold

We are the flowers that are ready for rain Waiting for the water to restore what remains Wilted hearts harmonize together in pain Singing hallelujah while we wait

Echoing voices from inside of the hall Spray painted pictures on the side of the wall Looking for meaning in the midst of it all Are we even listening anymore?

Maybe there's a reason why This world spins around in circles Like it's giving us another try Every sunrise to find purpose

Has it been happening all this time Like another breath that goes unnoticed? I'm leaving what is lost behind to find the light 'Cause maybe it's the hope inside That comes alive When it's all we have left

Colony House - The Hope Inside

[–] QuarterSwede 2 points 3 hours ago

Risky click but worth it.

[–] QuarterSwede 3 points 3 hours ago

Year, year and half, sometimes 2. Just depends on the pieces that are involved and how long it’ll take to get them all to line up. Family/friends are invited on some vacations, sometimes it’s just us and we have to book it out as far as possible due to demand. We rarely do anything spontaneous. Wife is a major planner.

Currently we have: July 4th weekend at a campground with church friends September 2024 in state at a mountain cabin for wife’s bday. March 2025 in planning for an Alaskan vacation to visit family and see the Iditarod September 2025 in planning for a family beach vacation.

[–] QuarterSwede 3 points 4 hours ago

It’s a straw man argument that doesn’t address the main point the comment or was making.

[–] QuarterSwede 2 points 4 hours ago

Yes. That’s the spirit of what I meant.

[–] QuarterSwede 43 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago) (4 children)

Capitalism is the reason. They’re already at peak market share. Since they’re a publicly traded company, they have to do something to continue growing. Ads is probably the easiest, most obvious, but ultimately damaging idea. CEO doesn’t care since he probably has a fat golden parachute if ousted. The entire thing is rigged against shareholders and users.

[–] QuarterSwede 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

91 Honda Civic CRX Si w/black gold fleck paint and a moon roof. Not rare but definitely niche.

I LOVED this car. Super short wheel base and an absolute sleeper since it was so light. Only ICE that could get going like a EV that I’ve been in. And you were practically sitting on the road. With the door open I could easily put my palm on the ground. Even at 25mph it felt like you were speeding. So much fun to drive.

[–] QuarterSwede 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.

Lao Tzu

[–] QuarterSwede 3 points 2 days ago

Thank you for being honest.

Humans are emotional creatures. We can’t change that. Even when we’re being rational we’re still basing every decision we make on emotions. “I’ve researched this and I feel this is the right decision.”

[–] QuarterSwede 2 points 2 days ago

And I thought Americans were litigious.

[–] QuarterSwede 2 points 2 days ago

Polish dog at Einstein Bagels.

[–] QuarterSwede 3 points 3 days ago

For some of us it’s an incredibly calming force. I could sit on the beach all day just watching and listening to the waves, watching the birds, crabs, etc. and get lost in thought. Nothing is more peaceful for me.

My wife doesn’t agree. She find the mountains and camping peaceful.

To each their own.


A small medium at large.


Looks to be based on GBA4iOS.


I miss getting on a plane and reading Skymall to see what batshit crazy stuff they had to sell. Anyone else?


My prints come out very well but I’m noticing on larger prints that one corner of my bed prints tighter than the opposite. What’s causing this?

Printing on an Ender 3 Pro with upgraded metal extruder, beefier bed springs and metal levelers, and upgraded hot end. Not direct drive yet and no auto bed leveling.


In Colorado this year (2024), unaffiliated voters were mailed out their ballots for both the Democratic and Republican Presidential Primaries and get the chance to vote in one or the other (NOT both).

I’m fairly centrist. I lean left on progressive ideals and right on economic (yeah, it’s fun /s).

The question is, who’s should I put my vote in for? Is it better to vote for Biden or another candidate in the Democratic, or another candidate that isn’t Trump in the Republican. Again, we can only vote in one of the primaries or our vote won’t count if we vote in both. It’s one or the other.

What is best?


Problem: when placed on the bottom, the jump button blocks the last comment in a thread.

Solution: Need to be able to scroll past the top of the jump button on the last comment

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by QuarterSwede to c/lemma

When editing a comment and posting the edit, if you then want to re-edit the comment you get the original comment, not the edited version. This only happens when using the 3 dot menu on the right of the comment. If you tap and hold and use that edit, it shows the most recent. Supremely annoying.


When changing what gestures do in Settings > Gestures the color doesn’t change with the gesture you choose.

Ex. Reply to Long swipe and bookmark to short swipe. The gestures change but reply now has a green background and bookmark is blue.


It looks like this is probably in the works since the Use System Text Size option doesn’t do anything currently but just in case it isn’t I’d like the option to increase text size from the system default.


Was visiting my parents for their 50th anniversary and stumbled upon this gem from my youth. More below.

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