[-] QuarterSwede 1 points 7 hours ago
[-] QuarterSwede 5 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago)

It’s not ChatGPT like, it is ChatGPT, specifically GPT-4o.

See press release and versioning at bottom of the page.


So, Apple is using the latest version of the best LLM out there and its opt-in. That’s a hugely different approach as you mentioned.

[-] QuarterSwede 5 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago)

They absolutely do not learn and we absolutely do know how they work. It’s pretty simple.

Generative AI needs massive training sets that represent the kinds of things it’s asked to represent. Through the process of training, the AI learns the patterns in the data and can generate new data that fits within those patterns. It’s statistics all the way down. In the case of a Large Language Model (LLM) it’s always asking itself, “what’s the next most likely word to come after this previous word, and does that next word make sense within the context of the other words in the sentence?” The LLMs don’t necessarily understand a text as a text; that is, as a sequence of ideas unfolding logically but rather as a set of tokens that carry statistical weights.


[-] QuarterSwede 3 points 20 hours ago

Saw the headline and thought, “this is what the US has to look forward to this year.” We love to one-up everyone else. Oh god.

[-] QuarterSwede 1 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago)

Small note pad for work today todos. Anylist for groceries, shared lists for my family. Monday board for specific work shared by other teams.

My favorite is pen and paper. Throwing away a full sheet is so satisfying and helps me feel accomplished. I came from big retail and I miss the satisfaction of tangible proof of what the team accomplished. This helps me stay grounded in my new industry.

The problem I have with digital is notification overload and that’s with notification restrictions on many teams and slack groups. I also don’t like how lists don’t stick out. A piece of paper can be moved to a spot on my desk I’ve deemed as priority. I’m a very visual and physical space person so that sticks in my mind better than a task on a screen, even if I can take it with me. To me the task that is synced between my laptop and phone may as well be different. I know they aren’t but somewhere subconsciously they are and that makes them less useful.

I will say that my role isn’t all office. It’s a mix of office and field which makes having all digital tasks less useful. I could see programmers or remote jobs as digital working since you may have a job that is stationary.

[-] QuarterSwede 1 points 20 hours ago

My problem with digital is that it's too easy to forget about. When I mark things down on paper, specifically index cards, they start to stack up and I feel motivated to reduce the clutter they create. Throwing out ten index cards because I got shit done feels good.

This is exactly how I feel.

[-] QuarterSwede 3 points 1 day ago

Everyone I know who travels for business already is. Any do much about what plane you fly in though.

[-] QuarterSwede -4 points 3 days ago

Donnie Darko, I found it incredibly predictable.

[-] QuarterSwede 3 points 4 days ago

I depends on how the survey is done. If it’s an outside company you basically get zero comments. I had to run the survey results and Gameplan for 200 employees yearly. I had zero idea, let alone time, to figure out who might have given us bad scores. It was a lot of graphs on what people felt we could improve or what we excelled at, so KPIs. Big surprise that compensation and communication were the two that needed the most work. It almost always is in different industries I’ve been in. It was truly anonymous on the level I was at (knowing the employees).

[-] QuarterSwede 2 points 4 days ago

As a salaried manager that’s a dream. What’s a break!?

[-] QuarterSwede 16 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Ha. We have a call center quality issue at work. I keep telling them that what they really have is a pay issue. You get low talent for low pay. Raise the pay and the talent magically appears. Works every time. And yet …

[-] QuarterSwede 10 points 4 days ago

The state is responsible for the education of children. This absolutely falls within their scope.

submitted 3 weeks ago by QuarterSwede to c/dadjokes

A small medium at large.

submitted 2 months ago by QuarterSwede to c/apple_enthusiast

Looks to be based on GBA4iOS.

submitted 2 months ago by QuarterSwede to c/asklemmy

I miss getting on a plane and reading Skymall to see what batshit crazy stuff they had to sell. Anyone else?

submitted 3 months ago by QuarterSwede to c/3dprinting

My prints come out very well but I’m noticing on larger prints that one corner of my bed prints tighter than the opposite. What’s causing this?

Printing on an Ender 3 Pro with upgraded metal extruder, beefier bed springs and metal levelers, and upgraded hot end. Not direct drive yet and no auto bed leveling.

submitted 3 months ago by QuarterSwede to c/asklemmy

In Colorado this year (2024), unaffiliated voters were mailed out their ballots for both the Democratic and Republican Presidential Primaries and get the chance to vote in one or the other (NOT both).

I’m fairly centrist. I lean left on progressive ideals and right on economic (yeah, it’s fun /s).

The question is, who’s should I put my vote in for? Is it better to vote for Biden or another candidate in the Democratic, or another candidate that isn’t Trump in the Republican. Again, we can only vote in one of the primaries or our vote won’t count if we vote in both. It’s one or the other.

What is best?

submitted 5 months ago by QuarterSwede to c/lemma

Problem: when placed on the bottom, the jump button blocks the last comment in a thread.

Solution: Need to be able to scroll past the top of the jump button on the last comment

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by QuarterSwede to c/lemma

When editing a comment and posting the edit, if you then want to re-edit the comment you get the original comment, not the edited version. This only happens when using the 3 dot menu on the right of the comment. If you tap and hold and use that edit, it shows the most recent. Supremely annoying.

submitted 6 months ago by QuarterSwede to c/lemma

When changing what gestures do in Settings > Gestures the color doesn’t change with the gesture you choose.

Ex. Reply to Long swipe and bookmark to short swipe. The gestures change but reply now has a green background and bookmark is blue.

submitted 6 months ago by QuarterSwede to c/pics
submitted 6 months ago by QuarterSwede to c/lemma

It looks like this is probably in the works since the Use System Text Size option doesn’t do anything currently but just in case it isn’t I’d like the option to increase text size from the system default.

submitted 11 months ago by QuarterSwede to c/[email protected]
submitted 11 months ago by QuarterSwede to c/retrogaming

Was visiting my parents for their 50th anniversary and stumbled upon this gem from my youth. More below.

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joined 1 year ago