this post was submitted on 24 Jun 2024
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I have long attested that whatever sci fi can think up, humans will eventually create.

In b4 451 isnt SciFi

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[โ€“] TotallynotJessica 9 points 6 days ago (1 children)

It is a shame, as what was really wrong with her wasn't that she used escapism, but that she was apathetic. You can escape reality and relax, but there's work to do if we want to contribute positively to the world. All mediums can pacify us from the horrors of the world. Books are slightly better by virtue of having a lower barrier to entry, but the internet lowered that potential barrier.

[โ€“] flicker 2 points 5 days ago

The problem I had with this is that it's an apathy that he himself had until recently, and now he's a smug prick hating on his wife for not being cool enough to break the law like he does.

He never tells her what he's doing. He believes he can't. So instead of trying to communicate, and dealing with the fallout of a difficult discussion, he just judges her for being who he was.

It's still a dick move no matter how it's justified!