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I saw this on Mastodon posted by @[email protected] and figured that it was appropriate for this community and absolutely not controversial in any way shape or form.


I feel like most Saturday TV from my childhood wouldn't hold up, but in my mind at least Gladiators was the exception! Really hope they don't ruin it.

(17:50, BBC1 for the unaware)


For me, pizza and TV tonight, a pub lunch with some friends tomorrow and a film in the evening, then a day full of chores and general adulting on Sunday that we have been putting off for ages, didn't do over over Christmas and probably still won't this Sunday either.

How about you?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/ukcasual

It's a Thursday again. The worst day of the week. Or is it? Disguised as a Wednesday for those south of the border, and a Tuesday for those of us in the land of the Scots.

What are your moans for this day and this week, the first week of the work year?

Personally, I've added app timers to all my time sink apps in an effort to become less dependent on my phone. It's 9.40am and I've already maxed out Megalodon, so I'm onto Lemmy/Voyager. Going well.

Also... I'm still off with the kids. Edinburgh schools didn't break up until the 22nd of December. Which seemed like a good idea at the time, but we're paying for it now.


Everything about this is wrong in every way.

Shame on you, Sainsbury's.


....and that tomorrow is of course Saturday, followed by three Sundays, two Mondays, a Friday then two more Saturdays and a Sunday. Then back to Monday which of course, falls on a Tuesday.


So I went to try Nando's in the UK, because I've heard a lot about PERi-PERi Chicken in the least months I went there and I have to say I was confusd on what I received for the price

The Image I clicked on:

What I clicked on

Now the Burger was insanely good, but wow prices are so high here, I fought 9.25 pound was a full meal


Percy Pig's festive helpers are a bit cursed.

How does it look so old and so young at the same time?!

@ukcasual #Festive #Elf #Cursed


Super smooth and full control on cornering...


Couple of weeks ago I finally launched the store, I was working on for a couple of months now. From building the website and production to marketing and accounting, I had to do it all on my own. I actually started working on it during covid but never had time to finish it until recently. I hope you like it :)

Give me a like and follow and any of my social media pages - it really helps a lot.

There is a giveaway hapenning on the IG as well, if you are interested!


Am I allowed? (
submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/ukcasual

Hiya, I just started my personal project - an online shop with funny Scottish merch. Would I be allowed to share it here? Ta


Curious as to what others do once they've opened their advent calendar for the day, take the door off, leave it open, close it, or something else entirely?

Personally, I've always removed them, along with the foil inside the door, looks neater and it's easier to find subsequent days. Others don't seem to agree with me on this one though, so I'll be interested to see what you fine folk think.


I'm in East Anglia. We've had a light sprinkling overnight - and did last night too, which hadn't entirely gone by the evening. Foggy otherwise this morning.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by TeaHands to c/ukcasual

Went down with a mysterious cough on Tuesday night. Seemed like just a bad cold Wednesday, got worse and added dizziness to the mix Thursday, now today the dizziness is gone (hooray) but whatever I've got has changed tack and is trying out severe nausea on me instead (booo).

Was supposed to be out tomorrow with a friend I've not seen since August. Not impressed.

So while I spend the next few days swooning around the house complaining about it like an actual child, I'd love to hear some happy things to focus on instead!

Weekend plans, amusing anecdotes, promises to avenge me should I not make it through, jokes at my expense, all equally welcome. For the love of god just distract me 😭


First pub, two drinks, £10.70. Ouch, we thought. But that must just be what it costs round there nowadays.

Second pub, literally round the corner. Same two drinks came to £6 something.

I'm trying to be normal today and do my actual job instead of falling into a hyperfixated rabbithole of how pubs work and how they can possibly be so different despite being in essentially the same location and about the same size. But I can't get it out of my mind!

Both of them had dogs in, so it can't be that. The more expensive one was much more brightly lit, so maybe pub-grade lightbulbs are very expensive? 🤔

Any subject-matter experts hanging about who can put me out of my misery?


As a non USA resident, I didn't know who this was. Before I read the post that was the name I had in my head.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/ukcasual

We're at the end of our rope with Asda. Everything is being substituted, and we're fine with that when it's just another brand of the same thing but like they're sending entirely different vegetables to the ones we need, they're substituting meat-free ordered items with actual meatballs, etc etc. It's got the point where the delivery guy just apologises sadly every week.

It's possible to set "do not substitute" on everything but it's a ballache, and then we'd still have to go shopping anyway since half our order would still be missing.

So. Which supermarkets actually deliver most of what you order? Or at the very least, have a sane policy of substitutions?


Edit: Added a cute dog pic for a bit of extra casualness.


You may or may not have heard of the gross Android 14 bug currently affecting people with multiple user accounts on their phone. I'm in this picture, hi, this is me.

When I heard about the bug, I stopped using the second profile and everything seemed to be fine. A narrow escape, right?!

Alas, no.

This morning I saw something vaguely amusing, and thought "my friends at UKCasual will chortle quietly at this". Tried to take a crashed. And again. And that's apparently it! I now have no access to storage on my phone and am left hoping Google come up with a fix asap.

Not even going to tell you what the amusing photo was, so ner.

How's your day going? 😩


"A swan, or a cygnet to be precise, caused a flap among shoppers on Sunday when it wandered away from the River Avon and into the heart of the Georgian city."

"A constable and two police community support officers worked together to move the swan away from shoppers to the river, one using a fluorescent jacket to usher the bird away."

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