
joined 1 year ago
[–] Luvs2Spuj 4 points 7 hours ago

It needs help if it's out in the daytime. Thanks for getting it out the road!

[–] Luvs2Spuj 93 points 15 hours ago (3 children)

This is step 86 in the plan. Step 87 is make people pay for the previously free service

[–] Luvs2Spuj 6 points 19 hours ago

For 60 dollars I expect a Harambe skin.

[–] Luvs2Spuj 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I wouldn't necessarily blame the farmer for the situation they find themselves in. Any kind of land or farming reform needs to come from government.

[–] Luvs2Spuj 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Hydrogen gets shit on loads, but this is exactly the kind of thing it can do pretty well. When you have excess, you don't need to have to worry about efficiency in the same way. Then it's ready to go once needed.

[–] Luvs2Spuj 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

It's actually not a terrible assumption. If someone was going to live to 1000 years old, they are probably already alive today.

It's possibly more likely we will destroy ourselves in that time frame though... So 50-50, you're either immortal or you aren't.

[–] Luvs2Spuj 5 points 3 days ago

Going to be a stressful second half of the season for Checo.

[–] Luvs2Spuj 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I would ask your colleagues this question, as they can offer the best advice your exact situation. If an entry new starter came to me with that mindset I would appreciate it.

Sorry if that doesn't really answer the question. What do you already know? That would help offer something at the right level, but my advice is to try learn from the work and people you work with as above.

[–] Luvs2Spuj 1 points 6 days ago

This is all Max's fault.

[–] Luvs2Spuj 21 points 6 days ago (1 children)

There are too many stupid people who believe everything he says. More milkshakes please.

[–] Luvs2Spuj 5 points 1 week ago

But inaction, conspiracy and stupidity would ensure a global spread like last time. (Take your pick for birdflu/November)

[–] Luvs2Spuj 15 points 1 week ago

The UK paid nurses extra with applause, what more could be done?

Le Mans 24 (self.formula1)
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Luvs2Spuj to c/formula1

Anyone tuning in at all on the off weekend for F1? It's nice to see some familiar faces in the teams.

Blue Steel Convert (self.castiron)
submitted 3 weeks ago by Luvs2Spuj to c/castiron

I bought a set of three carbon steel pans, and they are amazing. Is this allowed here? They are 99% iron I think.

They are lighter than a full iron pan but you still season them in the same way.

I have had an iron pan dedicated to meat cooking for a few years now, but I'm not sure it will get much use now.

These are new pans, so I'll have to see how they last, but I'm very optimistic.

Fast food should be expensive. (self.unpopularopinion)

I get that until recently it was considered normal and relatively cheap, but you are literally paying someone else to make food for you.

It can't be sustainable without exploitation of workers and/or animal welfare to have that available to the majority of people on a regular basis.

If you can only afford fast food as a luxury, to me that seems like a good thing.


As a non USA resident, I didn't know who this was. Before I read the post that was the name I had in my head.


Sorry for the poor quality / lack of screenshot, this is from my work computer which I isolate from my personal devices, so I just took a picture.

submitted 9 months ago by Luvs2Spuj to c/motogp

I heard on the Sunday broadcast for the San Marino GP that it isn't confirmed yet if the India GP will go ahead.

The riders still need to test the circuit and give a verdict.

I think that's insane. Just wondering if anyone else knows any more about this?

External Links (self.motogp)
submitted 9 months ago by Luvs2Spuj to c/motogp

I know this isn't to everyone's taste, but a lot of linked articles are posted with headlines, and no text body. I find it hard to engage with the community like this.

I can't view motorsports articles unless I accept all the cookies and sign up - which I have no intention of doing. Same for twitter and other places.

Can we try to include a transcript of tldr bot in some way?


Sailing passed!

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Luvs2Spuj to c/[email protected]

I was given a Montsera(?) cutting and I don't really know if this leaf is too wrinkled? It's a minefield trying to read about and understand if I have over or under watered. I just don't know what this plant actually wants.

My usual approach is to assume I have over watered if a plant looks unhappy, but I don't know if these bounce back after a period of under watering, if I hold back on watering more now.

submitted 1 year ago by Luvs2Spuj to c/motogp

Can't see anything for it so I thought I'll make a start.

Hiding posts? (self.lemmyworld)
submitted 1 year ago by Luvs2Spuj to c/lemmyworld

I might have missed it somewhere, but is it possible to hide posts here. I like to hide popular posts once I am done seeing or engaging with them.

With the lower traffic here, I think this would especially help with finding new content.

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