I was being a bit facetious, but also there's a good chance there's enough unvaccinated people out there now acting as vectors that we might be looking at mutations that have overtaken the vaccine. Absolutely agree that the more people vaccinated the better, and I really hope it can out a stop to this outbreak!
What a good but terrifying point!
"not unusual"...first U.S. measles death in a decade
Yup, things that don't happen for ten years are just run of the mill, nothing to see here.
department would send 2,000 MMR vaccine doses to Texas.
It's a bit late for that!
Go fash, lose cash.
These two were my first thought! I'll add that both cover a range of topics, Jenny does do a lot of videos around Star Wars, but also covers obscure films, and theme parks, wherenl HBomber runs the gamut from flat earth to vaccines to video games to plagiarism. Both are incredibly well researched and, in my opinion, offer very fair takes on the subject matter.
Upvote and another shout out for OSW. They initially went through old school WWF, have now covered older and newer stuff from TNA and AEW, as well as film reviews and some video game deep dives. They do have quite a few running jokes at this point, but not so much that it would alienate new viewers.
What are you talking about Shelbyville, why would we want to marry our cousins?
Not sure if you're aware, but your comment posted three times? I've just chosen one of them to reply to. I had a quick search for NATO war crimes, everything I found seemed to be around bombing Yugoslavia in 1999, is there anything more recent I'm missing? Not trying to minimise that, but 25 years is a long time, I'm not sure how relevant it necessarily is to the events in Ukraine.
Firstly, basing your opinion of someone on the instance they signed up with is...interesting.
Secondly, I didn't mean that in the sense of they literally couldn't make the demand, but that Russia demanded Ukraine not join NATO, despite having no standing to make such a demand. Ukraine is a sovereign nation that can make its own decisions, they didn't need permission from Russia. Even the quoted article acknowledges that Russia had no grounds for an invasion, and it's generally in support of Russia's position.
anywhere that follows the rule of law
That's the beautiful part, apparently that no longer applies to the USA.
'If you try and join the group that protects from invasions, I'll invade' is not exactly a compelling position to take.
Well, that is reassuring at least!