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Welcome to the Minecraft community on Lemmy and Kbin!

The home for all posts related to the Minecraft franchise: from the classic game to the mobile ports, mods, adventure games, merchandise and similar!

Official Lemmy.world server available!

Lemmy.world hosts an official server that welcomes all players to contribute and have fun:

Minecraft Version: 1.20.x

Address: minecraft.lemmy.world

Please make sure you read our rules before posting.


Rules can be clicked on to be expanded.

1: Treat all users with respect.

Bullying, threathening, doxxing, or toherwise hostile behaviors with any of our users will not be tolerated. Be civil, have fun.

2: Posts must be related to the Minecraft franchise.

This includes the main game, titles like Dungeons, fan art, wiki pages, toys, new feature votes, and similar content.

3: No advertising.

If you want to share a product you're a manufacturer or seller of, please contact the moderation team first. Affiliate links to online shopping stores or affiliate coupon codes are not allowed.

4: No piracy.

Links or discussions about cracked versions of games, unauthorized copies of copyrighted material and other similar piracy-related content are not allowed.

5: No NSFW or adult content.

This community is inclusive to users of all ages. Keep in mind Minecraft attracts children and adults alike. Therefore, no NSFW content is allowed.

6: No low-effort meme content.

Memes are allowed, and so are comics or other fan creations. However, low-effort reposts and otherwise overused memes will be removed.

Reddit reposts are allowed.

Reddit reposts are allowed, but you need to include the tag [Reddit] in the title.

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founded 2 years ago

I would love for you guys to come and play my puzzle map inspired by The Witness. Let me know what you think!


New 1.20.2 snapshot- looks like they're slowing down development on this one, just some bug fixes and library updates.

See the current snapshot cycle here. I think the villager changes are pretty cool, but I wish they added a better way to transport them before they required us to set up villages all over the world.


This speedrun video is insane I have to share it somewhere


As the server host guy I wanted to know if you had some ideas to stop a server from dying by changing the servers goal and not by modding the server ( Create Mod, ... ).


Just curious... Do you play on a multiplayer server? If yes, what kind of? Do you use a modloader on your client?

Are you playing vanilla or modded? (I consider QoL mods like MiniHUD or Xaero's Map almost vanilla but ofcourse not everyone agrees)

I play:

  1. on a whitelisted SMP (I had to look that up.. Survival Multiplayer) which is almost Vanilla (you can use a Vanilla client) - aimed at adult players (25+)
  2. Ocassionally single player just to try out different modded versions or things (I might play create for 2 days and then leave it at that)
  3. Currently playing on a members-only Create server

Oh yeah, only Java. Never played bedrock. I tried for 5 minutes on my phone and it's not for me.


Hello everyone. A month back I posted about our new vanilla SMP server, Lazcraft. We received a few applicants and are having a great time.

This weekend or the next we will be having the Ender Dragon fight, so this would be a great time to have a few more players. Our server is semi-mature now. We have an iron-farm, a slime farm, a trading hall and various other farms. This is perfect for players who want to skip the early game.

We have a relaxed atmosphere with young adults. As of now, most of the players are from the Asia timezone.

If you want to join, please put the following details in the comment below.

  • Age range - below 18 / 18-25 / 25-30 / 30 above (not an age restriction. Just to understand the range)
  • Region - EU/East Coast/West Coast/SE Asia
  • Timezone - GMT+-??
  • Type of player - Builder / Technical player / Explorer / PvP expert

If I find your profile preferable, I'll send you a link to our Discord server via DMs. Please check the original post for more details.

Some technical details about the server

  • MC version 1.20.1 with Fabric with some performance mods
  • Running on Oracle cloud
  • Vanilla with some QoL mods
  • Daily backups
Coordinates in Java as in Bedrock (feedback.minecraft.net)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/minecraft

A question for Java edition players: Would you like to see an option to display your coordinates on your screen easily without dealing with the messy F3 UI? Meaning, a native toggle in vanilla Minecraft, no mods involved.

Why don't we have that?

For reference, that's how it looks on bedrock (right side)

EDIT: Clarifying that my question is about unmodded Minecraft.


For context, a while back, I started adding a lever to the bottom hopper of a mass smelter.

That way, if I smelt a bunch of things, and then pull the lever so there’s a little bit left in the furnace, I can pull it for the entire value of what I just smelted.

Does that still work, or do hoppers remove XP value from smelted items completely now?


UPDATE: As of August 26th, the server has been rolled back to restore 1.12 items/culled chunks, announcement here

I guess it depends on how you define anarchy, but it's definitely an interesting choice by the admins to soft reset the economy/take away items from players on an anarchy server...

2b2t's announcement is here on their website


Provided you have a 3d model of a map, you can use Blender, ObjToSchematic and a couple more useful programs/mods to convert it into a functional Minecraft map! :)


Trying to give builds little world building details with custom models.

This was funny. (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by playerwhoplayyes to c/minecraft

I think this is funny and kinda rare, IDK if it's rare or not.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Meas34Melon45 to c/minecraft

This is a post to brainstorm some ideas about the game and what it could have been. I'll start by listing some old features that I really liked:

  • As I mentioned in my previous post, isometric screenshots. They just look good.
  • The old smelting system. It was only in indev version 0.31. You would smelt iron by using flint and steel to ignite a fire in which you would then drop the iron ore onto the fire, producing iron ingots. It was definitely faster and more "atmospheric" than the current way of smelting in my opinioni even though it was simpler.
  • The saturation of Alpha and below, it makes the simplest places look nice.
  • Indev world types.

What are your opinions and ideas?


For those that haven't heard of the Far Lands they are explained on the Minecraft-Archive Wiki as

Prior to Minecraft Beta 1.8, the Far Lands was an area generated at the calculated end of Minecraft maps. The far lands appear at (x: ±12550821; z: ±12550821). This bug is generated from the breakage and mathematical limitation of Minecraft's noise and terrain generation, which starts to calculate impossible numbers, even exceeding negative integers and sometimes "infinite" number.

It's where a wide array of different bugs would occur depending on how far you progress. Different Youtubers have done videos walking to it occasionally raising money for charity.

I was wondering what some good videos you've seen explaining or exploring the area?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Meas34Melon45 to c/minecraft

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/2933013

Minecraft Indev version had a feature called "isometric screenshots" which took an isometric screenshot of your world. Because the world wasn't infinite at that time, it took the screenshots easily. It still can be done in modern minecraft hovewer, with some plugins.


the DispenserRobots plugin has a really neat take on server-only automation. Dispensers can break blocks, but they require a timed pulse, at least as long as a player would have to click. So a wooden tool requires a longer pulse than an iron one, for instance. This "timed pulse" trick also means that you can have axes both strip logs and break logs, depending on whether they receive a short or a long pulse.

I'm currently building a Fabric + Geyser setup (so server-side mods only), and I'm wondering if there's anything remotely like this in the fabric ecosystem.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Tippon to c/minecraft

I've been playing on Linux using Sklauncher for a while now, but it's feeling more and more like a scam. Every time there's an update to the launcher, the old one is immediately disabled. You can only get the new one from their ad riddled site, often with inappropriate ads, and it 'can't' handle the traffic. The download buttons are linked to the ads, so ads can't be blocked either.

It feels like the launcher is being disabled in order to force traffic to their site, making people watch the ads for over an hour in some cases.

Because of this, I want to find another launcher that allows mods, preferably easily. Does anyone know of a decent one please?

Update: For anyone who comes across this thread in the future, I ended up going with Prism Launcher. A few of the options threw me at first, but it's turned out to be exactly what I was looking for :)

submitted 1 year ago by CodyCannoli to c/minecraft

Some interesting changes to trading in this snapshot. Changelog: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-snapshot-23w31a


I'm trying to install Optifine on a Linux Mint Cinnamon laptop. Minecraft Java edition of course.

The game works and has been launched in version 1.20.1, but the Optifine installer keeps saying that I need run version 1.20.1 first.

Also, the installer is already pointing at the correct directory as default, but when I browse the location from the installer, I can't see or set the .minecraft directory manually.

What to do?


BleedingPipe is an exploit being used in the wild allowing FULL remote code execution on clients and servers running popular Minecraft mods on 1.7.10/1.12.2 Forge (its mainly those versions, other versions are affected.), alongside some other mods. Use of the BleedingPipe exploit has already been observed on unsuspecting servers.

This is a vulnerability in mods using unsafe deserialization code, not in Forge itself.


I believe the two portals in the overworld have to be under 128 blocks apart total and also should be at least 8 blocks apart horizontally. I just used some simple 3D coodinate math and built the one in the nether at the midpoint.


For some reason, when a soundtrack by Lena Raine is playing in the game, it is loud, but I can barely hear C418's soundtracks. Is there an addon that could fix this?

submitted 1 year ago by Qazkin to c/minecraft

Made this over the course of a few years (I lose motivation). Wanted to share it here. :)

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