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Welcome to the Minecraft community on Lemmy and Kbin!

The home for all posts related to the Minecraft franchise: from the classic game to the mobile ports, mods, adventure games, merchandise and similar!

Official Lemmy.world server available!

Lemmy.world hosts an official server that welcomes all players to contribute and have fun:

Minecraft Version: 1.20.x

Address: minecraft.lemmy.world

Please make sure you read our rules before posting.


Rules can be clicked on to be expanded.

1: Treat all users with respect.

Bullying, threathening, doxxing, or toherwise hostile behaviors with any of our users will not be tolerated. Be civil, have fun.

2: Posts must be related to the Minecraft franchise.

This includes the main game, titles like Dungeons, fan art, wiki pages, toys, new feature votes, and similar content.

3: No advertising.

If you want to share a product you're a manufacturer or seller of, please contact the moderation team first. Affiliate links to online shopping stores or affiliate coupon codes are not allowed.

4: No piracy.

Links or discussions about cracked versions of games, unauthorized copies of copyrighted material and other similar piracy-related content are not allowed.

5: No NSFW or adult content.

This community is inclusive to users of all ages. Keep in mind Minecraft attracts children and adults alike. Therefore, no NSFW content is allowed.

6: No low-effort meme content.

Memes are allowed, and so are comics or other fan creations. However, low-effort reposts and otherwise overused memes will be removed.

Reddit reposts are allowed.

Reddit reposts are allowed, but you need to include the tag [Reddit] in the title.

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founded 2 years ago

If You are interested in Minecraft Mods for the End Dimension, maybe this Video will interest you.


I have a couple of issues with Minecraft tools on linux.

Amulet not showing buttons: https://github.com/Amulet-Team/Amulet-Map-Editor/issues/1130#event-15902073929

Arnis not working (world creation using osm data): https://github.com/louis-e/arnis/issues/298

Is anyone using them ?

Minecraft Snapshot 25w03a (www.minecraft.net)
submitted 2 days ago by that_leaflet to c/minecraft

Does anyone know of any interesting and unique #Minecraft "clones", like #VintageStory or even #Terraria (which is a bit far removed from Minecraft, but I'd count it for this question)? I do know of #4DMiner and those two, but that's about it.

Edit: To clarify, I mean games that are clearly inspired by Minecraft, and would be called clones of it by ignorant people, but which actually offer a unique experience of their own. Luanti sounds like it probably has some interesting cases of this, but MineClone itself is actually the opposite of what I'm looking for.


Minecraft Snapshot 25w02a (www.minecraft.net)
submitted 1 week ago by that_leaflet to c/minecraft

A team of dedicated modders has successfully recreated the entirety of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild in Minecraft, offering fans a blocky yet stunning way to explore Hyrule. This ambitious project, led by YouTube creator Grazzy, took three years to complete and is now available for download. The map faithfully replicates Breath of the Wild’s iconic landmarks, environments, and intricate details, making it one of the most impressive fan-made creations in the Minecraft community.



On Java Edition, there is a mod called Nvidium. This mod drastically increases the performance on Nvidia cards. That's because Nvidia implements a feature called "mesh shaders" in OpenGL, but AMD and Intel do not.

But work is now underway to add mesh shader as a standardized feature in OpenGL, and if/when AMD and Intel add support for it, the performance benefits of Nvidium can be brought to AMD and Intel too.

You may wonder why don't AMD and Intel haven't implemented mesh shaders. Well, do they, but only on Vulkan. Nowadays, OpenGL isn't much in games. It has been superseded by Vulkan, but remains around for compatibility reasons and doesn't see much feature development.


I modelled and printed a custom mount for my portable monitor and attached it to my steam deck for big screen Minecraft on the couch, it's suprisingly comfortable to hold

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by TheTechnician27 to c/minecraft



Spoiler your message if you want to.


Absolutely unreal, doesn't look like the game at all.

Minecraft is officially a game engine.

submitted 1 month ago by that_leaflet to c/minecraft
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