
joined 1 year ago
[–] CodyCannoli 5 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Why would I get fat?

[–] CodyCannoli 9 points 1 day ago (7 children)

Garlic bread is my favorite food. I could honestly eat it for every meal. Or just eat it all the time without even stopping.

[–] CodyCannoli 16 points 2 weeks ago

I love all the new variants, my favorites are the black wolf and the chestnut wolf

[–] CodyCannoli 10 points 3 weeks ago

Fox, they're like a dog but don't follow you everywhere and can roam freely in your base. They also enable Skyblock and ultraflat to be viable challenges because they very rarely spawn with emeralds in their mouth.

[–] CodyCannoli 9 points 3 weeks ago

Also you can ride horses, boats, and minecarts through nether portals.

[–] CodyCannoli 21 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created.

[–] CodyCannoli 13 points 1 month ago

A couple years ago when I was working retail I would have said the same thing but I finally got job that I enjoy. Don't give up, learn everything you can from a job them move on. Don't be loyal to a company that treats you like shit.

[–] CodyCannoli 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

They are also quieter now

[–] CodyCannoli 21 points 1 month ago

Fuck Pearson

[–] CodyCannoli 4 points 1 month ago

No it isn't, that's the deluxe edition, it's still $30 (discounted to $15).

[–] CodyCannoli 5 points 1 month ago

That's the deluxe edition, the regular edition is still $30 and is discounted to $15.


This was a design I made in a creative world almost a year ago that uses both a thing banner pattern and a creeper charge banner pattern. After raiding two ancient cities I only found one god apple which I didn't want to use for this. Third ancient city had 5 god apples and I'm not even done raiding it.



submitted 10 months ago by CodyCannoli to c/minecraft

Some interesting changes to trading in this snapshot. Changelog:


I believe the two portals in the overworld have to be under 128 blocks apart total and also should be at least 8 blocks apart horizontally. I just used some simple 3D coodinate math and built the one in the nether at the midpoint.




Let me know what you guys think. You can also use this website to test out your own combinations


I love this game (
submitted 1 year ago by CodyCannoli to c/minecraft

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