The cycle is complete!! I must play them all!
Very cool concept! Love the static ability in particular, great reference.
I like the way the -3 interacts with the static ability, but I think the card does too little without setup. The floor seems a little low for the cost.
I think you could make the first ability a +1, and lower the base loyalty to 4. Minimally, on an empty board, you can keep +1-ing for card draw and potential planeswalkers in exile. And the other play patterns you've designed should still work!
Looks excellent in limited!
Is this playable in pioneer greasefang? I don't really know the deck, but a big lifelink reanimation target that can cycle itself seems good.
That dark confidant art is 🔥 gonna be hard to call her bob 😅
The new resource pack features seem really powerful!
Threshold is a strange choice...
Scroll past the nintendo switch.
To be clear, no official source has released these patents as definitively relevant to this case. But they sure look relevant.
Nasif vs ignite memories had me laughing out loud. Great collection.
Almost literally. They patented:
catching characters in thrown balls
calling on characters by throwing a ball
using captured characters to fight and harvest resources
[[savor]] at home 🥱
The suns of Mirrodin have shone upon perfection only once!