I quite enjoy Prism Launcher
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That looks very nice, thanks :)
PrismLauncher, it's a fork of MultiMC, but better in some ways, more open, and a nicer icon. Also, you can use the flatpak version without any issue.
Isn't it a fork of PolyMC, which is a fork of MultiMC?
Yes true, I forgot the name polymc, so I just used the first one, which is technically not false either, but you're right.
Normally, I'd say Prism Launcher (just like everyone else in here) but just to give you a choice I want to mention ATLauncher
I'll look into it, thanks :)
Use MultiMC. They have Linux binaries and are arguably the most stable and easiest to manage launcher. Being able to sandbox separate instances for every version including modded installs is lovely.
Looks great, thanks :)
I think MultiMC can be installed on debian and archlinux, I remember dowloading it on my previous pc that ran ubuntu using apt update and then apt install [package in the instructions]. I have its portable version on my windows razer laptop, but windows doesn’t seem to have a native version.