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Many countries celebrate Christmas through January 6th (epiphany/Three Kings), the 12th day of Christmas, but not the US. That's fine. But why sing about it if you don't celebrate it?

I need your drinks! (self.justpost)
submitted 2 months ago by Lost_My_Mind to c/justpost

So I'm sitting here, eating a chicken breast, with a side of ramen noodles, and I think to myself "This needs something". In my brain I KNOW the ramen needs some chipotle sauce, and the chicken needs some bbq sauce.

But I'm just not in the mood for spicy right now. And one of the biggest problems is the fact that I'm eating this with water. Again. Water every day. Water water water. Gotta drink water! WATER IS GOOD FOR YOUUUUU!!!!!

Now two years ago I found out I had cancer. Guys, don't get cancer. Do not reccomend. Not a good time.

I had to give up a LOT of shit. The doctors basically said in a nicer way that I was putting so much shit in my body, that my body just took a shit on me. Garbage in, garbage out. They said it in a nicer way, but, that's the jist of it.

I gave up drinking. Which was.....aggrivating at first, but mostly because it meant that all the sudden all my friends vanished out of my life. I'd go to hang out with them, and be like "Hey, you wanna go.....somewhere?" and they'd essentially say "Ah, nah.....I'm gonna stay in....."

Then I'd find out days later that everybody went without me, and they looked drunk as hell doing it. That's when I pieced it together. They don't want to hang out with someone who can't/won't drink.

Another thing, that was FAR harder for me to give up, is beef. I've been sad that I'm not out drinking with my friends, but I miss my friends more than the drinking. I've never had just a craving for 20 beers before. I did it because I hung out with alcoholics, which by definition made ME an alcoholic.....but in a weird not really kinda way. I never had physical cravings for alcohol. I stopped cold, and felt more lonely than withdrawly.

Not so with beef. I absolutely DO crave a big ol double bacon cheeseburger. Fuck it, make it a triple, with 3 kinds of cheeses. Drench the damn thing in queso, and then deep fry it, because......fuck it, why not, ya know?

Well......like I said. Garbage in, garbage out.

So now I'm sitting here, eating a chicken breast. No more fast food. Made it myself. Air frier mode on my convection oven. It's not bad.....but again, it's missing something. And that something is something to wash it down with.

Also gave up soda, and I think that's truely what this dish needs. Like a good cherry coke, or a dr pepper. One of the dark colas for sure. I will slap you in your face if you ask if pepsi is ok. Pepsi is never ok. Pepsi is the saddened cry of a man who's given up in life, and I did not go through cancer treatment to give up. You bring the fight, or what's even the point? Ya know?

But......gotta give up soda......already gave up beer.......a jack and coke is purely out of the question.

I bought some lemonaide.......I like lemonaide......but winter lemonaide is just not doing it for me. I was ADDICTED to the lemonaide when I was going through cancer treatment, and going down to the baseball stadium every day in the summer. They had free refills on fountain drinks. If you could OD on lemonaide, I'd have died in the stadium. Which, I mean......there's worse places to die. The stadium is my happy place.

Not the point. The point is, I am eating this juicy chicken breast, which I am amazing myself that I'M the one who made it......and these ramen noodles which I found a great replacement for the seasoning pack. It's actually a chicken seasoning. So way less sodium, and tastes way better.

But then you go to drink something.....and it's fucking WATER.....AGAIN.

Water every day.....driving me NUTS!!! Gotta find something healthy, that's also cheap, and tasty. Preferably non-carbonated, as I assume the carbination is part of what's pissing off my insides. All the gas.

Yeah, nice try, WWF! (self.justpost)
submitted 2 months ago by Lost_My_Mind to c/justpost

TV: Right now animal habitats are threatened with extinction. Please give money.

Me: Bitch please! We're ALL facing extinction! That's called climate change, and giving you money won't fix it!

submitted 2 months ago by PugJesus to c/justpost
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by FlyingSquid to c/justpost

Every time we went to Meijer, I saw this toy- the Commissioner Gordon Hot Wheels car. It’s like one of those 80s costumes with a plastic poncho that had a picture of the character on it in toy car form. And every time, I’d say, "no one has bought the Commissioner Gordon car yet. I can’t imagine why."

This was my only Christmas present from my wife.

^(We^ ^promised^ ^we^ ^wouldn't^ ^get^ ^each^ ^other^ ^presents^ ^this^ ^year^ ^to^ ^save^ ^money.)^


I miss my friend.


I'm trying to post any comments, but it endlessly loads. I'll check my internet connection


So I'm watching TV just now, and there are times I forget to fast forward through commercials. The one I keep seeing, watching the same show is this commercial for Walmart.

This woman comes into a coffee shop. One of those real small town coffee shops where they have like 8 tables and that's IT. There's snow on the ground, there's holiday music playing, and I SWEAR I recognize this woman. I can't place it, but I SWEAR I used to see her all the time on TV in the 90s. I just can't figure out from what.

Anyways, she comes into the coffee shop and says "COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE!!!" and the coffee shop owner pulls out a massive box. Like I'm fairly sure you can hide half a body in this box.

And she opens it up, and it's a tiny box inside, that's a coffee maker.

And she says something like "Aw, you shouldn't have." And the coffee shop owner says "I had to. You were drinking me out of business!"

Ok. There's a LOT going on in that first 15 seconds. I have so many questions. First of all.....what the fuck Walmart? You shipped that tiny little coffee maker in a 3 foot tall box filled with paper padding inside. I'm fairly sure you killed a tree just to ship a $20 coffee maker. Or maybe the coffee maker is expensive. I have zero confidence in my ability to identify value in coffee makers. Maybe it cost $20. Maybe it cost $400. Who's to say? Certainly not me! I'd be TERRIBLE if I were on the Price is Right, and I had to bid on a coffee maker. I'd probably just bid $1 and hope for the best. In any event, this box inside the box is tiny, but the coffee shop owner pulls it up like he's risking a hernia just by handling it without a two person lift. I like to imagine it's not so much that it's heavy, but rather that it's ludicrously awkward to handle this box. Hey! Walmart! Ship your shit in size appropriate boxes with size appropriate padding, and stop killing trees! Or one day, these trees are going to become animated, and self aware, and then we're all fucked! Tree monsters just fucking all our shit up! I can't have my apartment destroyed because you don't have any empathy for the USPS! I need my apartment! That's where I keep all my stuff! And I have some cool stuff!

Then there's the fact that this coffee shop owner doesn't seem to understand how business works. See, if she's buying coffee regularly, you SHOULD be making profit each time she does. That's the core concept of business! If you go to business school, that should be like day one stuff! Day one should be like "Ok students, take your seats. Today you'll learn what money is! See this green stuff? That's money! Unless we're in Canada, in which case we have monopoly colored money with old women on it. Don't worry about it. It spends almost just the same. Now if we're in Mexico, then we're all fucked because the Peso is basically worthless, and even if it weren't the drug cartels pretty much run this country anyways. In fact, why are you here if this is Mexico? Just make every attempt you can to leave Mexico before starting a business."

That should be what day one IS in business school. Introducing you to the concept of money, and how to get it. So I have to assume this coffee shop owner GETS that, and so there has to be something more to this situation. So my thought process is that this woman comes in everyday, and is INCREDIBLY rude. This is a real Karen. I mean she comes in and says "COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE!!!". Most people would come in and say "Hi Dan! How ARE you??? GREAT! I'll have a coffee please!" Instead, this bitch just comes in like COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE!!! And these two have a history. It goes waaaaaaaay back. She's been coming into this shop for years. Every morning she comes in, demands coffee like a bitch, and every morning this shop owner dreams of strangling her. The only thing keeping him from doing it is the fact that it would be murder which is illegal in that city.

And so he goes home every single night, and complains about this bitch to his wife, who quite frankly is sick of hearing of her. It's been 12 years of nightly complaints about the same thing.....she needed a break. So she's been spending a LOT more time at the gym. She just got a new personal trainer, that's been bending her over backwards. Which exhausts her, and that's why she has headaches every night now. At least that's what she tells her husband. Or at least she would if he'd ever shut up about the bitch at the coffee shop. So finally she just blurts out "OH MY GOD IF YOU THINK ABOUT HER SO MUCH, WHY DON'T YOU JUST GET HER A CHRISTMAS PRESENT???"

And this guy is kind of dumb, so he takes the suggestion at face value. Yeah, if I get her a coffee maker, maybe she won't come into the shop anymore.....

So he orders one from Walmart. Gets it shipped overnight, and she walks out carrying this box looking smug. But then.....the coffee shop owner FOLLOWS HER INTO THE CITY!!! THEN HE LEANS IN FOR A KISS, BUT SHE REJECTS HIM!!! THEN THEY BOTH LOOK INTO THE SKY DURING THE DAYTIME AS IF THEY'RE STAR GAZING!!!

WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE???? Are they now a Raychel and Ross sort of thing??? Is he thinking they're an item, and she's still mad for what he did??? WHAT DID HE DO???

This commercial is like 30 seconds, and has so much unresolved context. I need to know. Are these two going to fuck or not???


Also, I realize my face looks weird and pixelated and I would appreciate you not mocking my disability.

submitted 2 months ago by TootSweet to c/justpost





Or at least that's something I'd've said, say, maybe 5 or 6 years ago. And it was true! I hadn't heard a single song I could identify as "country" that I could stand, let alone "like".

But it all started with Lil' Nas X and "Old Town Road". I think the first time I heard it, I dismissed it without really "getting" it. But when I started hearing and liking other things by Lil' Nas X, and when one of my favorite YouTube content creators said good things about "Old Town Road" on a stream, I listened again. More out of curiosity than anything. But with more context, I understood "Old Town Road" better. And, dare I say, liked it.

"It's ironic country music", I told myself. "It's ok for me to like that. It's got the affectations of country music, but it's not country music in its bones. It's actually pop if you really think about it."





(Except "Old Town Road" because it's only "ironically" country.)

See? It's so simple. The world still made sense. And I could listen to it and like it, and admit to myself that I liked it.

And then came Jelly Roll.

It was New Year's Eve (I don't remember what year it was), and I was watching New Year's Rockin' Eve as I do every year (and plan to this year). And on comes a country artist. I groaned and reached for the mute button. But my friend wanted to hear it. So...

He sang "Need A Favor." And, it was... good. I liked it.

Try as I might, I couldn't think of an excuse why I was allowed to like it. And I didn't listen to anything else by him for a good while, gut when I did, I liked it too.





(Except that one song by Nas X. And I guess I like that one song by Jelly Roll. But that's it.)

And I did listen to a little more Jelly Roll and it was surprisingly enjoyable as well. And I still hadn't resolved the cognitive dissonance when...

Bam! The most recent episode of SNL came on. And the musical guest was Shaboozey.

And since then I have not been able to stop listening to "A Bar Song (Tipsy)" practically on repeat.

And it was a few days before I let the ~~intrusive thoughts~~YouTube algorithm win and play me another Shaboozey song. It was "Highway." And holy shit, it was... if anything better than "Tipsy".

And I've listened to a bunch of Shaboozey since, and his stuff ranges from "actually really good" to "I can't stop playing it."


guess I...

kinda... maybe...


country music...


It's really surreal. But it's clearly impossible to continue to believe that "I don't like country music".

The jury's still out on Post Malone's "I Had Some Help" featuring Morgan Wallen. But honestly, I'm listening to it as I write this to try to form a more solid opinion on it and I can feel it growing on me a bit.

I'm not sure whether I'm changing or country music is. This is all still very new to me.

Maybe I've just been racist against country music until I started seeing some less "traditional" country musicians. A part of me is worried the country music I've been enjoying lately is going to end up being a gateway drug to the harder stuff like Kenny Chesney's "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy" and Toby Keith's "As Good As I Once Was". But doing research for this Lemmy post, I just listened to a (small) part of each of those two, and I can report I'm at no risk of developing a habit of either of those.

...for now.


I just think Kazakhstan is neat

Good question. (lemmy.sdf.org)
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/justpost
Queen B (i.imgur.com)
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/justpost

Give yourself a challenge. It is really fun for those who write. Tip: if it starts to get red, just type a letter or two to reset the timer.

[OC] Remember Luigi (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 months ago by Winged_Hussar to c/justpost

I don't know where to post this, but i needed to tell someone somewhere while the topic is hot. It just feels wrong not to.

I'm Italian(as in living in Italy) and "the Adjuster" 's surname means "big eater" in Italian.

That's it.


Art (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 months ago by homesweethomeMrL to c/justpost
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/justpost

I been wondering about minorities specifically those not found as common on Lemmy

I, as a Turk, have nowhere where I could post Turkish content

Seems like there are portions of German and Japanese speaking communities

So, tell me, what languages do you speak, where are you from

Is this... safe? (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 months ago by The_Picard_Maneuver to c/justpost

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.zip/post/27770731

For over a year, we asked people in prison to paint or draw people we felt should be in prison–the CEOs of companies destroying our environment, economy, and society.

Here are the results. Click on the images to see the crimes committed by both the companies and the artists.

We present this project to help expose crimes masquerading as commerce.

Bush round. (lemmy.world)
submitted 3 months ago by johsny to c/justpost
Nanu (lemmy.zip)
submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/justpost

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.zip/post/27543434

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