That's a semiaquatic turtle. They can swim. They can also climb things (in difficult conditions, slowly and carefully). And they love to bask in the sun. So yeah.
Ugly giant bags of mostly water?
Yeah, I checked the custom file section in Halo Master Chief Collection, and whadda ya know, it had random rubbish I had made in early 2010s. A few years ago I was mad they didn't migrate Halo 4 stuff, but nope, it's there now.
This actually gave me a pause. I guess a lot of marketing bullshit is actually about turning people into warring tribes. "This thing is trying to market X? Well damn you, I like Y! That is the best! Everyone, get Y!" ...actually explains a lot about the perennial Console Wars: the companies like it as long as someone is winning. (...Jim Steph Sterling really was right, following game business for a moment is an easy way to become a critic of capitalism)
I actually really like the C64 keyboards - not perfect by any means, but they are some of the best keyboards in the 8-bit computers, really.
Fun thing, I wrote one NaNoWriMo novel on a C64, so I don't think the typing comfort is too much of an issue. Though for that experiment I actually used my C64C, because the low-profile case makes things a tiny bit more ergonomic. (I don't use it that C64 specimen much for other purposes, because it has a busted/temperamental SID. The one in the picture is my C64G, which is one of the last models produced, basically C64C guts in a breadbin-style case.)
One of the most tragicomical science notes I've ever read comes from Gilbert White:
We put Timothy into a tub of water, & found that he sunk gradually, & walked on the bottom of the tub: he seemed quite out of his element, & was much dismayed. This species seems not at all amphibious.
Timothy was luckily fine afterwards! This watery misadventure got retaliated in the most turtle-rific manner imaginable: Timothy was determined to, and succeeded in, outliving White. In fact, memory and legacy of Timothy is even more alive now - everyone can go look at the 3D scan of Timothy's shell on the internet. Did Gilbert White's works get 3D scanned? No, only 2D scanned. So old-fashioned.
(Also kind of tragic that Timothy was only found to be female after she died. And some time later, another tortoise was named Timothy after her, and it later turned out she was female too. Something tells me humanity is never going to completely figure out this whole sex/gender thing.)
The ghost of dead Game Boy also came with ghosts of dead batteries. ...So many dead batteries. Many coming from tragic circumstances, such as almost reaching the last level of TMNT 2.
Is there a city called Taxes? Add that to the list. Spook the Texas minds a little bit. Give them a little shiver. Make them feel something.
Debian, the cool guy distro in 1999. The machine overlords run on Red Hat.
In the low budget parody version, Neo ran Slackware, and the climatic battle was basically about Agent Smith somehow fucking up his but then Trinity got him a copy of the file on 3.5" floppy from another system. Or something.
I'm from Finland. I don't smoke and I don't do patio stuff. But yeah, almost time to go into the Spring Mode.
[Fires up a little fan]
[Cracks open a can from an unrefrigerated pallet]
Me, I'm a real human. I would not fall to a silly trick like that.
Now excuse me, I'll just copypaste this cover letter text from the dozens of previous examples I used and edit it slightly based on buzzwords on the job description and company web page.
(Also, last year, I was in one of the events for the unemployed, organised by the municipal job services, and there was literally a short segment on the talk on using ChatGPT for cover letters. Well if the same authorities that mandate us to send a bunch of job applications every month tell us to use it, it can't be wrong, right?)
Can we just say that Cybertruck is basically a sum of everything wrong with right wing wackos?