Hey, remember what happened to Digg? Why a bunch of people moved over to Reddit in the first place?
I guess not a lot of people remember, so let me tell you.
Bunch of dipshits ran upvote brigades. Stories they didn't like got buried really fast.
Now, Digg was a hive mind site to begin with - good luck posting anything the hive mind didn't care about. But add blatant political machinations on top of that, and the site got unusable real fast.
Take a few guesses which political views those groups were trying to futilely promote while quashing opponents. Go on. (I'll give a hint, some of them retreated to Conservapedia)
So that's what killed Digg. ...that, and the Digg admins were being dicks and the site redesign sucked ass. (...insert comparison to modern Reddit here)
I played Nethack. I was overwhelmed by my anxiety and depression. I realised I was not good at video games. So I quit playing Nethack and swore to get good at video games before returning. Been, what, at least 15 years? I've gotten better I guess. Should I return? Soon, maybe.
(Seriously, though, roguelikes are still a genre I struggle with, so I do need practice!)