
joined 10 months ago
[–] umbraroze 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I played Nethack. I was overwhelmed by my anxiety and depression. I realised I was not good at video games. So I quit playing Nethack and swore to get good at video games before returning. Been, what, at least 15 years? I've gotten better I guess. Should I return? Soon, maybe.

(Seriously, though, roguelikes are still a genre I struggle with, so I do need practice!)

[–] umbraroze 61 points 3 months ago (8 children)

Hey, remember what happened to Digg? Why a bunch of people moved over to Reddit in the first place?

I guess not a lot of people remember, so let me tell you.

Bunch of dipshits ran upvote brigades. Stories they didn't like got buried really fast.

Now, Digg was a hive mind site to begin with - good luck posting anything the hive mind didn't care about. But add blatant political machinations on top of that, and the site got unusable real fast.

Take a few guesses which political views those groups were trying to futilely promote while quashing opponents. Go on. (I'll give a hint, some of them retreated to Conservapedia)

So that's what killed Digg. ...that, and the Digg admins were being dicks and the site redesign sucked ass. (...insert comparison to modern Reddit here)

[–] umbraroze 6 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I completed TMNT as a kid... on Commodore 64. That version is admittedly a little bit easier than the NES version (some mechanics were missing, and an entire level is gone, as I recall). Still, I have no idea why people complain about the second level (river), it's actually pretty fun. Compared to what's to come later in the game.

To me, the definitive "hard" game is Metroid Prime 2: Echoes on GameCube. Dark Souls just makes me say "eeeeeehhhh this is probably doable, I'll play this after I'm done with MP2E."

(When I first played MP2E, I only got through the second to last boss. Then my MadCatz memory card died. Played through the game again, with the fury of million suns. 99% complete. Because I missed one optional scan. ...One of these days I replay this bastard.)

[–] umbraroze 6 points 3 months ago

Käännös: "Niin kyllähän me muuten, mutta eräät ihmisryhmät eivät ole ihan yhtä tärkeitä kuin toiset."

[–] umbraroze 2 points 3 months ago

Never mind the old flippediroo of the day and month. What I want to know is why is there a dash in front of the date. I thought the separators went between the things to be separated.

[–] umbraroze 8 points 3 months ago

I'm, like, yeah, some of the stuff Mozilla has done has been worrying, but I've seen far worse happen to some other open source projects and their corporate branches.

I'm not worried about Mozilla projects' future. If LibreOffice survived corporate calcification, I see no reason why Mozilla projects wouldn't, if the push comes to a shove. But the thing is, in my opinion, push hasn't come to a shove yet. There's red flags at best, which is a cause for concern, but that's it.

[–] umbraroze 21 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Gotcha. Summary:

Group name: Some shit that 12-year-olds would be embarrassed to use as a gang name, but surprise, the guy who came up with this shit was 60+ or something
Ideology: The same ol' shit, you've heard it all before
Identifiers: Well, this kind of shit, they kind of stick out from the crowd
What to do: The usual

[–] umbraroze 12 points 3 months ago

As I've probably said: Without the transgender people (and other queer folk), the autistic people, and the furries, literally none of the modern Internet infrastructure would have gotten built.

[–] umbraroze 51 points 3 months ago (8 children)

Anarchists do believe in board game rules. Just that they think that using house rules everyone agrees on is a great idea.

[–] umbraroze 13 points 3 months ago

Free Software is Leftism because it has got us great software and maybe the only bad thing I can say is that release schedules aren't a thing

Open Source is Capitalist Friendly because, ummmmm, extremely shitty Community Editions and putting everything cool in proprietary side, uhhhhh, random license changes to shit that isn't actually OSD compliant, unghhhhhh, need of constant vigilance against license violations.

Like I am happy cheap hardware vendors have adopted OSS components but why are they frequently so shitty about everything

[–] umbraroze 3 points 3 months ago

Finland is basically "File a report if your income changes enough to affect your tax bracket. You'll be issued a new taxation statement. Send it to the employer. (If unemployed, don't bother, the agency who pays you already knows.) Your employer/the agency will send the taxes owed to us. You'll be sent an annual tax proposal - If you have no deductions, you don't need to do anything, if you do, then it gets mildly interesting. If you get tax returns, you don't need to do anything if we have your bank details. If you owe us, oh boy, we'll let you know, don't worry."

[–] umbraroze 3 points 3 months ago

This is a very cute thread. I love turtles and I like them for their vast computer science skills too.

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