Cool, knew that was coming, been saying that for a while, but what you going to do about it?
She would treat them to shreds in hearings, won't be good theater for them
Eat poopy Donnie
Let's go, this circus will reveal that it's a circus, and Liz will eat them for lunch and it will be embarrassing for them
There was a poll?
Very weird analysis... Tries to call volunteer editors the proletariat who aren't getting paid. Tbf this unknown site made me wonder if it was Russian propaganda
Surprised it's so little
Thanks for the suggestion of helldivers, I got in enough training on bots and droids just before the illuminate showed up. Had a blast mowing them down with my machine gun and orbital laser!
Prosecutors throw the book at people, sentences get reduced by dropping things, aclu better get on this and keep her from getting a stupid plea deal, and fight for free speech
Wow, how did Subaru get to the top, they had reliability issues for years ago
You ain't talking away my retirements, unless you giving me some of yours, you asshats