Do you hear that, Randy? The Americans cocked the shit gun
"How come you taste so good?"
Fuck it
And I did
But that's not the name of the restaurant, that's just the name of the song
Listen to your you.
I went NC with my father when I was 13. About 10 years later we were in the same hospital room as his mom was getting ready to die. Then again a year later when his dad was, I asked the hospice nurse to remove him for my visit.
About 10 years after that I got a call from my step sis that my father was dying and likely wouldn't make it past a couple of days, that now was the time to come make amends.
I am so damn thankfull for that call. I still relish that I had the opportunity to actively say "No." Fuck that guy, worst human I've ever met. My life has been awesome without him.
Big Mouth strikes again!
In a very very similar place. Big hugs. Hits hard, cause it hits hard.
Fuck cancer.
He's thinking.
Man.. I open lemmie and this is on top.
Le sigh, it's all downscroll from here
My mom has always proudly proclaimed "I never once touched a cigarette". She's currently dying of lung cancer.
Interesting the various ways her body is trying to kill itself on her journey. Absolutely brutal, and she's really only just beginning the end.
2/10. Would not recommend, but ya gotta die somehow.