
joined 2 years ago
[–] triptrapper 41 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (16 children)

What you're saying is true in fact, but I feel like you're letting the price gougers off the hook a little. Eggs are popular because they're versatile, nutritionally dense and traditionally cheap. Eggs are almost the best breakfast kids can have before school because they help with focus and keep them full. There really isn't a replacement at the same price point. I don't think we should expect them to be so cheap that we rely on animal cruelty, but they shouldn't be a luxury item either.

EDIT: to clarify, it's the protein and fat that help with focus and fullness, not eggs specifically.

[–] triptrapper 4 points 6 days ago

Yes, for a long time I've said that traffic jams are caused by brake lights, rather than deceleration alone. If you leave enough space ahead of you, you shouldn't have to touch your brakes very often, and letting off the gas should be enough.

[–] triptrapper 5 points 1 week ago

I mostly play handheld, and I got a gaming pillow from Mechanism. It sits on my lap and holds the deck at the right height and angle. My hands used to fall asleep from squeezing the deck to hold it up, and this has solved it. I would play docked more often if I had a controller with rear buttons.

[–] triptrapper 4 points 1 week ago

Capricious: From earlier caporiccio, from capo +‎ riccio, literally “curly head”. People believed that curly hair was a sign for a capricious and unruly character.

[–] triptrapper 2 points 1 week ago

Thank you for doing what you do!

[–] triptrapper 5 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Oh my god that didn't even occur to me. Maybe I am a beginner!

[–] triptrapper 5 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

To be honest, I recently got a TCL Roku TV and I almost gave up on trying to use it as a dumb TV. I'm not a beginner at this, but setting up a network connection was so embedded in the initial setup, from the moment you turn the TV on. I did a couple factory resets and I could not figure out how to bypass it. Turns out I had to set it to "store display mode" at a certain point and then connect my other streaming device.

[–] triptrapper 67 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

That's cool. It didn't occur to me that anyone was preparing to fight back physically.

[–] triptrapper 6 points 2 weeks ago

This one really hurts to think about. What an evil act. She deserves to be alive, the officer(s?) deserve to be in prison forever, and whatever payout the family receives should come from the department's pension fund.

[–] triptrapper 11 points 2 weeks ago

"Our youth love luxury.  They have bad manners and despise authority.  They show disrespect for their elders and love to chatter instead of exercise.  Young people are now tyrants, not the servants of their household.  They no longer rise when their elders enter the room.  They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up food and terrorize their teachers.” -Socrates ~400BC

[–] triptrapper 2 points 3 weeks ago

Maybe the distributor wanting an extra excuse to charge more for a little while?

[–] triptrapper 1 points 3 weeks ago

What's insane? That she was wrongfully convicted, or that anyone is questioning her guilt? If the latter, we should never stop scrutinizing the government when they're able to lock people up for life. To be clear, I'm not making a judgment about Letby.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by triptrapper to c/selfhosted

Hey all, I'm very new to self-hosting and have no background in anything computer-related. I'll explain in as much detail as I can. I'm running Plex on a Synology DS220+. I'm using the Plex app, i.e. not using Docker (see note below).

The issue: I can watch Plex on my local network in 4K, but outside my local network it barely makes it to 720p. I thought it was an issue with my upload speed, but I got gigabit last week and it hasn't fixed the issue. I have remote access enabled in Plex through a manually-specified port. The issue persists with my own account and any friends who have access to my library.

I appreciate any advice, links or questions you can offer!

NOTE: I understand the benefits of Docker and I promise to transition in the future. I spent many hours learning and troubleshooting, and it was even functional at times, but eventually I needed something that just worked.

EDIT: You all have been so helpful and supportive. Thanks for meeting me where I'm at and sharing some potential issues.

EDIT2: I found the culprit by accident. I had UPnP enabled on my router. I turned it off and my local speeds increased significantly, and my Plex library is available remotely. I don't know how or why UPnP is related, but that's what the solution was for me. Thanks again for all your input and support.

Replacing moldy sealant (self.homeimprovement)
submitted 8 months ago by triptrapper to c/homeimprovement

There are a few spots I've neglected to replace old brittle sealant (around the kitchen sink) or never sealed at all (new faucet I installed 8 months ago). Now there's black gunk accruing under and around the sealant.

When I go to replace the sealant, how do I kill the mold so it's safe to seal over again?

Thanks for any advice you can offer.

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