Hmm always thought it's cause big cities need big fresh water, that's why there's a good chance that historically they formed near streams/lakes. Typically near the coast rivers slow down and branch out, giving good access to natural resources and also trade. Trade increases prosperity and exposure to other cultures.
1 + (1*5000%) = 51
Honestly I prefer just writing "51 times more frequent".
Waddaya mean we can't just arbitrarily delete stuff of a public server once we know its ip address? It's not fair! 😡
It's not like you couldn't say the same thing about Donald Trump. Yet here we are.
He made a post using command line lingo too, but anyone with even basic knowledge of those commands can tell you that both the syntax and the way he alludes to them are wrong.
It's the equivalent of slinging a guitar in a picture to look cool but pressing the side with the strings against your belly.
Yeah, what a joke. Especially when Musk is right there in the headline 😞.
Ah yes, if you've ever had the problem of a game's graphics not working properly but you can't adjust the graphics because it requires you to launch the actual game and navigate the settings menu you will appreciate that. Most games store and read their settings in an external file and a launcher can provide a meaningful way to edit those. That being said there's many launchers who actually don't offer this feature and are just used to shove ads your way or track your behavior.
Imo they should at the very least standardize some color coding and labeling. All charging-only cables are yellow, data cables are blue. Something like that.
Yeah and the fact that they allow plugins in the first place is great. It's a great way to gauge what's in demand and how it could be implemented. Reminds me of games that allow modding/addons and often key features are later added officially.
Ah yes, there isn't even an option to permanently disable this popup, only remind me later
. When the operating system is the nag ware.
Ja ne, ist klar, Sahra. Man könnte ja auch auf die Idee kommen, dass es dank der Waffenhilfen die Ukraine als Land überhaupt noch gibt. Und bei noch mehr Hilfe aus dem Westen würde sie heute eben noch besser da stehen. Aber dann gäbe es natürlich auch keine Empfehlung vom russischen Außenminister für die BSW. Den Spitznamen Zarenknecht hat sie sich redlich verdient.