
joined 1 year ago

I hate that groups like the ACLU have to defend nazi scum to protect my liberties. Better that the government not violate our rights in the first place, but in lieu of that, even nazi scum is subject to the same rights and due process as any other citizen. However, I wouldn’t mind if they got pantsed a couple of times by their lawyers.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 4 hours ago (6 children)

Why does this feel like it’s a flat-earth slide? I haven’t looked at any flat-earth propaganda, but I strongly suspect that it looks a lot like this.

That said, I’ll stick with my VMs regardless. I like simplicity.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 9 hours ago (1 children)

It’s so obvious!


[–] [email protected] 42 points 16 hours ago (2 children)

I imagine if my life was destroyed cause I like putting it in a particular spot with my partners. I’ve done what this man did a lot of times with no penalty (other than a partner who was mad that I was too quick the first time I got to). Funny, there’s a huge portion of the porn industry that caters to my taste. wtf. This man has been wronged. Give him a pension. He’s fucking earned that and more for his suffering.

[–] [email protected] 36 points 16 hours ago (2 children)

Especially when you can get them enlarged! C’mon fellas. Have fun with it.

Seriously though, I get that this could be terribly embarrassing if you have boobs as a man. I feel bad for kids in gym locker rooms getting teased.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 16 hours ago (1 children)

My mother (religious) once told me my tattoos make her sad. There are only two that are visible on a forearm (the third is under my shirt). I told her that they make me feel happy. She’s never brought it up again. But hers is less fervent, still rooted in the same origin.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 19 hours ago

That's exactly why. Last Week Tonight has covered this topic. It's probably available free on YouTube if you wanna look for it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 19 hours ago

I wish that was part of the headline because that's actually pretty great.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 19 hours ago

I care that a headline was wasted as a result.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

After what happened to Jamaal Bowman. Not a fucking chance.

Oh, did people pointing out the unfair latitude given to your favorite genocidal nation make you upset? Whoops.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 20 hours ago

Oh, I thought the headline meant that elected officials (state officials) could engage in corruption. I didn't read it as Justices of SC could do so, only that they said it's ok.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 22 hours ago (1 children)

I don’t even understand what’s attempting to be said.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 23 hours ago

Now play chopsticks like Tom Hanks in Big.


If landlords can’t pay back loans on office buildings, the lenders will suffer. Some banks are trying to avoid that fate.

Hard times are likely ahead for a lot of people. Mind your expenses and plan to save where possible just in case. Apologies for having a doomer outlook; I'm very cynical about capitalism, especially in the USA.


Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao's home raided by FBI agents; feds target other locations


The investigators also asked Hair for permission to check his uniforms for semen.

“I don’t know my rights. Do I have to?” the former officer asked. “I don’t think I want to do that.”

I plead the right to no blacklight searches!


Law firm Kirkland & Ellis brought multibillion-dollar cases to David R. Jones’s court, aided by a local attorney who lived with the judge; ‘Why did no one look into it?’


People apparently don’t like their stupid trucks.


I didn't know about this and thought it interesting. Figured some others might as well.


Subhead: It only works for macOS 15 guests on macOS 15 hosts, but it’s a big improvement.

But up until now, you haven’t been able to sign into iCloud using macOS on a VM. This made the feature less useful for developers or users hoping to test iCloud features in macOS, or whose apps rely on some kind of syncing with iCloud, or people who just wanted easy access to their iCloud data from within a VM.

This limitation is going away in macOS 15 Sequoia, according to developer documentation that Apple released yesterday. As long as your host operating system is macOS 15 or newer and your guest operating system is macOS 15 or newer, VMs will now be able to sign into and use iCloud and other Apple ID-related services just as they would when running directly on the hardware.

Well, this is good news that makes me happy. I know a number of devs will be appreciative of this, even in its limited present-form. Presumably, we just need the march of time for older OSes to be supported (starting now with 15 and going forward, I mean – as in, they might not backport, but I don't expect them to take 15 away when they ship 16).


I'm absolutely shocked that Israel would stoop so low. /s


Everything related to this man fails to adhere to the laws of physics / reality.


I've been a paying user since 2015. This makes me sad, as it's one of my most beloved utilities and this isn't a good look. I'll keep running it without updating until it stops working or I find a replacement that I like. Also:

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