
joined 11 months ago
[–] shalafi 6 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Sears catalog and corn cobs. No lie.

[–] shalafi 16 points 1 day ago (10 children)

LOL my god, I was gonna say. OP apparently lacks a rudimentary immune system as well. Or, is shoving that tp way, way too deep. And leaving it there.

My wife got me to install a bidet. Can't remember to try it. Been 8-months, still forget.

[–] shalafi 1 points 1 day ago

I've got hole saw bits, forgot! You can get 1/2" mats cheap enough, but wanted to try what I already have which is thinner.

[–] shalafi 14 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Watched Beetlejuice with the kids last night. Not as funny as I remember, and they weren't laughing either.

OTOH, we all thought The Lost Boys was still pretty cool.

Blazing Saddles next?

[–] shalafi 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Watched Beetlejuice with the kids last night. Not as funny as I remember, and they weren't laughing either.

OTOH, we all thought The Lost Boys was still pretty cool.

Blazing Saddles next?

[–] shalafi 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

Everyone is fat, no one moves around. Hmmm... Chicken and egg problem? More on that.

In 70's elementary school, we started gym class with a 1-mile jog, twice around the track. I can't imagine the kids I see walking home from the middle school doing that. We also had 3 recess periods. Asked my step-son about his recess breaks. "What's recess?"

No, I'm not laying all the blame on my anecdotes, but it is interesting. As I get older, the harm becomes more and more obvious. Not something my young self thought of because A) hardly anyone was fat in school (nothing like today) and B) I was a scrawny kid, not my problem.

I see so much harm that I'd ignored, or it wasn't as prevalent. People at the store who can't walk normally, people with mobility gear, almost every person in my doctor's waiting room is obese, stuff like that. Ever notice that most everyone you see in an ankle brace or the like is well overweight?

It's sad seeing the things they're left out of. Met a big girl online, wasn't interested in dating, but she wanted to kayak. Only person I've ever met that actually fell out, repeatedly. Center of gravity far too high. Hiking to the local creek is a non-starter if you're too big, over a mile of deep, sandy trail. Tough for me to make the round trip and I'm only 145lbs.

I never see fat people on the trail or any kind of unpowered boat. OK, not fair, I see some on river where the kayak/canoe rentals places go, but it's clearly a rare lark for them. (I'd be an obvious noob if a regular jogger or regular beach goer saw me farting around.)

Back to the chicken and egg. Maybe some overweight people can chime in. Know the old saw about fat people being (physically) lazy? Do you get fat from not moving or not moving because it's too hard? As I age I see how easy it is to hit a downward spiral with health. Arthritis is eating my hands, but it gets worse if I don't use them.

Done skipping work. Going outside to work and see what I can manage.

[–] shalafi 5 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Dry them in the sun, reduces wear a great deal. Also nukes fungi.

[–] shalafi 5 points 2 days ago (3 children)

And perfectly sterilized by radiation.

[–] shalafi 3 points 2 days ago

It's a hell storm of radiation up there with no magnetosphere or atmosphere.

[–] shalafi 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I water all my indoor plants with rainwater, makes a stunning difference.


Nothing fancy, neither is terribly new or old. Not being able to sew is really holding me back on DIY projects.

Is there an "Operating a Sewing Machine for Dummies" video or tutorial you like?


Nothing fancy, neither is terribly new or old. Not being able to sew is really holding me back on DIY projects.

Is there an "Operating a Sewing Machine for Dummies" video or tutorial you like?

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