
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

I read two books after years of not reading for pleasure. I started tracking my food and trying to get enough protein after some chaotic months. Trying to ingest enough sodium to keep my POTS in check. I painted two things, after not painting for 8 years! I've been trying to keep 'unproductive' screentime down. (Movies and shows I haven't seen before are fine, scrolling on my phone forever is not). I still waste hours on my phone when I'm fatigued but I'm more mindful about what I do when I feel able

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

Couple weeks ago I helped a friend escape a DV situation too, although it wasn't a "house and a farm", more of an "apartment". Still, he had wrecked the place so my spouse and I spent a week cleaning it and organizing my friend's stuff (and my spouse continued for another week after I had to go back to work). We found evidence of a lot of horrible shit this guy did that he left behind, but our friend didn't want to harm him or something so we respected her wishes on that not going to the police. (Who probably wouldn't have done anything anyways)

It was exhausting, emotionally draining, hard work but I was glad to do it, I imagine you feel similarly

[–] [email protected] 12 points 10 months ago

Tears of the Kingdom because I basically just purchased Breath of the Wild a few months ago and haven't finished it.

Baldur's Gate 3, because my friends want to play it all together and so I'm waiting for them

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

Yeah!! I loved it. He's so good in that one!

[–] [email protected] 9 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Right now my favorite movie is Synecdoche, New York. I don't think I ever felt so deeply connected to a piece of art before. It's morbid yet oddly comforting, and my brain chemistry has been permanently altered after seeing it.

I'm in my Kaufman era which began with me and my wife watching Being John Malkovich (which is also pretty damn good imo). And I'm obsessed. He's reinvigorated my love of cinema in a big way! I feel embarrassed it took me so long to watch his stuff but I think it came to me at the right time in my life

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Gonna second PF Tek it's perfect for your usages. While Uncle Ben's was something that worked for me it failed too often for me to really suggest it to someone who's only going to be doing this every now and then. Glad people love it, but if you're using spore syringes PF Tek is the way to go

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

UPS is actually somewhere I've wanted to work since my uncle works there, I have a bunch of certs though so I'm going to at least try to make the tech world work for me post military

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

I'm an atheist, and gay, and I just feel like "haha, you're a good neighbor so here's a flag for something that I'm going to ASSUME you're a hateful bigot instead of actually getting to know you" is kinda bad

it also doesn't really promote community. Idk, I don't like it. I'm nice to christians even though some of them are cruel to me, because they're not all the same. This kind of behavior reeks of "I just discovered atheism as a concept" type thing you see from teenagers. Grow up, be a good human.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago (2 children)

No one's afraid to say anything so much as you seem really annoying. But I'm also annoying, so I'll say something.

That's lame as hell, regardless of their religion. You don't know that they're homophobic and they also did something nice for OP. Why would you give them something intended to annoy them, that they probably can't use, as a gift? Just stupid.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

gonna second hyenas to the person who said that earlier, I think I've interacted with like 5 yeenbys by this point (and me too actually)

spotted_irl (

a hyena looks around with cones coming out of their eyes representing it's vision

gumball_irl (

Two anthropomorphic cats from a popular cartoon (the amazing world of gumball) peer into a cage with a realistic cat. one tells the other "not to think about it too much"

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

Admittedly I didn't watch much of alien force or ultimate alien.... Or read any of the comics they've released. I remember liking Generator Rex, but it was never on, so I couldn't say if it was actually good

[–] [email protected] 8 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I loved this movie to pieces but I have a complicated-but-ultimately-loving relationship with my mom so maybe that's the piece that's missing for all the people who don't quite understand the appeal. It felt very universal though?

Definitely one of my faves.


This video is about the Chao Garden specifically rather than just like, Chao in general. I had no idea the depth of the mechanic.

~~Notably this video was featured at the end of Jenny Nicholson's 3 hour epic "THE Vampire Diaries Video"~~

anyways I love this video I made my spouse watch it and now she wants a dreamcast (redream will have to do for now though)


I just binged it this weekend, I liked it! What's the general sentiment on it? Good, bad, mid, etc?

I'll try to not be so spoiler-y here but things I liked:

-like, every version of Amy

-rouge being more part of the main cast

-nine. what an edgy lil shit

-sails' name

-knux v other knuckles

-shadow beating sonic's ass on an as-needed basis

-seeing man of action on a show again (I loved Ben10 growing up)

-sonic being a huge fuckup (he's just like me fr)

things I didn't care for:

-that fucking baby. (I thought the babie's robot design was kinda neat though)

-the chaos council in general

rule (

My spouse was gifted some sourdough starter. While I love bread, maybe too much, I also try to hit about 120g of protein a day and I just don't know if daily focaccia is going to help me in this endeavor

Any ideas?

rule (
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