this post was submitted on 23 Jul 2023
270 points (91.2% liked)

Movies and TV Shows

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You've got to see Everything Everywhere All at Once - it's an awesome movie! I used to avoid it, thinking it was just another sci-fi film that got popular in theaters, but boy, was I mistaken. The story is really well-crafted, the visuals are stunning, the acting is top-notch, and it even tugs at your heartstrings unexpectedly. I watched it last night and was blown away. Seriously, don't make the same mistake I did. Go ahead and give it a watch. I'd easily rate it 8.5/10, heck, maybe even a 9!

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[โ€“] [email protected] 8 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I loved this movie to pieces but I have a complicated-but-ultimately-loving relationship with my mom so maybe that's the piece that's missing for all the people who don't quite understand the appeal. It felt very universal though?

Definitely one of my faves.

[โ€“] [email protected] 5 points 11 months ago

Yes! Absolutely loved this movie and felt like it was showing me and my parents.