
joined 1 month ago
[–] mecfs 3 points 1 hour ago

I think it’s sound. Ban really low quality news (daily mail), state sponsered propaganda outlets, and far right trash. The list is relatively short.

[–] mecfs 1 points 1 hour ago

Completely Agree

[–] mecfs 3 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago) (1 children)

The list is pretty short. And mostly includes:

  1. State sponsered propaganda outlets: Russia Today, Global Times etc
  2. Very Low quality news that might aswell just go find the same story with a better source: Daily Mail, The Sun
  3. Far Right Super Biased News: OANN, Breibart, National Enquirer etc
[–] mecfs 2 points 1 hour ago

Economist is socially liberal and pro buisness. Labour more or less fits them as being moderately socially liberal, and the conservatives have turned somewhat extreme and unpredictable on the economic front, namely with Brexit, the economist very much supports free trade and thinks labour can do a better job at it.

For people like me who are actually leftist, this means even though labour’s gonna win by a landslide, I shouldn’t prepare to expect changes too big.

[–] mecfs 1 points 2 hours ago

Thats still 42 precent republican. Out of every 10 million they donate 4.2 million goes to a racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist party.

[–] mecfs 8 points 2 hours ago (2 children)

I mean the betting markets are generally aligned with extravagant statistical prediction models.

After all these markets have hundreds of millions poured into them, and people are trying to win not loose. Obviously there are still problems with them, and that headline really should have included “according to bookmakers”.

[–] mecfs 1 points 2 hours ago

Kier Starmar is making labour more centrist than the Lib Dems

[–] mecfs 22 points 2 hours ago

Damn. Axios really should have mentioned it is a partisan pollster. That’s disappointing.

[–] mecfs -4 points 2 hours ago (5 children)

I don’t know the specific problem with that pollster but the general message of the headline still stands IMO.

Trump’s debate performance was awful, but so was Biden’s, and somehow because this country is weird as hell Biden is held to a much higher standard than Trump while also being immensely unpopular.

[–] mecfs 2 points 2 hours ago
[–] mecfs 6 points 2 hours ago (2 children)

Hahahha. Your not wrong.


All undecided voters in a U.S. swing states focus group hosted by pollster Frank Luntz said President Biden should be replaced as the Democratic nominee after watching his first presidential debate against former President Trump.

submitted 2 weeks ago by mecfs to c/politicalmemes

I was incredibly strong and fit,” says Lucy Keighley. And she looks it, in the photo she is showing me, taken a few years ago. She is with her best friend, Lorna; they have just completed a 15-mile race on the North York Moors. “It was a brutal race,” she says. “But it was great. I was happy.” Today, although it’s quite dark in the room (she doesn’t get on well with bright light), I can see a tear rolling down her cheek. “I don’t know if I’m ever going to get back there.”

In the most recent findings by the Office for National Statistics, released in April, an estimated 2 million people in England and Scotland (3.3% of the population) self-reported experiencing long Covid, meaning symptoms that continued for more than four weeks after infection, although many reported their symptoms had lasted two years or longer. Of those, about 1.5 million felt their day-to-day activities were affected, while 381,000 said their day-to‑day activities were “limited a lot”. Worldwide, at least 65 million people are estimated to have long Covid.


I was incredibly strong and fit,” says Lucy Keighley. And she looks it, in the photo she is showing me, taken a few years ago. She is with her best friend, Lorna; they have just completed a 15-mile race on the North York Moors. “It was a brutal race,” she says. “But it was great. I was happy.” Today, although it’s quite dark in the room (she doesn’t get on well with bright light), I can see a tear rolling down her cheek. “I don’t know if I’m ever going to get back there.”

In the most recent findings by the Office for National Statistics, released in April, an estimated 2 million people in England and Scotland (3.3% of the population) self-reported experiencing long Covid, meaning symptoms that continued for more than four weeks after infection, although many reported their symptoms had lasted two years or longer. Of those, about 1.5 million felt their day-to-day activities were affected, while 381,000 said their day-to‑day activities were “limited a lot”. Worldwide, at least 65 million people are estimated to have long Covid.


I was incredibly strong and fit,” says Lucy Keighley. And she looks it, in the photo she is showing me, taken a few years ago. She is with her best friend, Lorna; they have just completed a 15-mile race on the North York Moors. “It was a brutal race,” she says. “But it was great. I was happy.” Today, although it’s quite dark in the room (she doesn’t get on well with bright light), I can see a tear rolling down her cheek. “I don’t know if I’m ever going to get back there.”

In the most recent findings by the Office for National Statistics, released in April, an estimated 2 million people in England and Scotland (3.3% of the population) self-reported experiencing long Covid, meaning symptoms that continued for more than four weeks after infection, although many reported their symptoms had lasted two years or longer. Of those, about 1.5 million felt their day-to-day activities were affected, while 381,000 said their day-to‑day activities were “limited a lot”. Worldwide, at least 65 million people are estimated to have long Covid.


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Never wait in the school car line again. Here’s how. For the first time in decades, a small but critical mass of children are riding their bikes safely to school again in the US.

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