Did you really make this wallpaper? It’s one of my favorites and is on about every wallpaper website.
That’s alright, I looked at the artist’s multiple pages and contacts and didn’t see any mention of it, so they are at least not explicitly saying that is what they are doing. But if you have a hunch it may be from AI, best to mention it. From what I can gather, there are many artists that are not in favor of it, so passing computer-assisted brush strokes off as human-only may seem disingenuous.
Thanks for linking the wallpaper group. There are some neat ones on there.
@[email protected] please use the [AI] if this is AI-generated
This is a friendly reminder to include the artist/source for your image
This is a friendly reminder to include the artist/source for your image
Wow, I can’t believe that worked. I use a password manager, so I don’t see how that’s any different than copy/paste, but here we are. Thank you; both accounts work.
Oh you’re right, sorry I missed that
This is a friendly reminder to include the artist/source for your image
Standards? Reminds me of that 12-inch tall king…
Terrible leading, but made a great ruler
Genuinely curious, do you all think should there be a rule against posting major social media links such as this?
My thought is that I assume most of us are here for a different online social experience and would ideally not contribute to the current social media companies’ practices.
The joke is on point, but I’m wondering if it can be hosted on PeerTube or something.
This is a friendly reminder to include the artist/source for your image
The internet has made me so skeptical of everything. But nice work then.