[-] loopy 2 points 1 month ago

Lemma seems to be pretty smooth. And Arctic is being updated pretty frequently with nice features.

[-] loopy 3 points 3 months ago

Friendly reminder to include source if you have it

[-] loopy 2 points 8 months ago

Thanks, I did not know that. I’ll have to try it out

[-] loopy 4 points 8 months ago

What app are you using? If you’re on iOS, I know the Voyager app allows for selection of filtering your search to Communities, Users, Posts, etc. and Lemma has a pretty good smart search that has found the communities I was looking for.

As far as I am aware, at least one user on your instance needs to be subscribed to a community on a different instance or at least specially searched for it to be searchable. In your case, if no one on lemmy.world is subscribed to or specifically searched for lemmy.radio/c/amateur_radio, you wouldn’t see it on a search from you lemmy.world account. Otherwise you’ll need to use a browser to find the community and seek it out on the web. Not super streamlined yet, I agree.

The only other more functional browser searches that I know of are:

https://lemmyverse.net/ and https://browse.feddit.de/

[-] loopy 5 points 8 months ago

I’m definitely going to start using Usonian. It seems the most natural. We probably can’t use Colombian because… you know…that’s a country already haha

[-] loopy 2 points 8 months ago

Oh you’re right, I’m on 1.13. Weird, I guess I’ll get that one lol

[-] loopy 6 points 8 months ago

I don’t see that as an option in the beta Voyager. Do you mean another app like Avelon?

[-] loopy 2 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Alright thanks for that. Sorry I did a ban without warning. Still figuring out the whole modding thing. I think I’ll need to get back to a desktop to see the unban option.

edit: Alright it shows on my end that you are now unbanned. Remember not to iron any four-leafed clovers (don't press your luck!). Happy dad-ing out there.

[-] loopy 1 points 8 months ago

I’m sorry I didn’t list a reason for the ban. It was your comment that “I had married someone who stayed hot and wasn't a dominating bitch.” It didn’t seem appropriate for the community that has a pinned message about keeping the jokes appropriate enough for a kid.

It had nothing to do with any interaction on a different community. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

[-] loopy 8 points 8 months ago

My God, I couldn’t remember what that scene that dialog was from. I finally found it and here you have it posted already. 😂 Golden scene


[-] loopy 2 points 8 months ago

That’s a creative idea. I would read it. But if the goal is to reach and engage more people, then it needs to appeal to them. Like previously said, most people just don’t seem to care about privacy. So what do they care about? Getting likes/approval from others? Networking? Following popular channels? It’s kind of a catch 22, because celebrities won’t go to a platform without potential followers, and followers won’t either without someone to follow.

I can definitely relate on seeing the potential of the fediverse. I even told some of my friends, “This is the evolution of how the Internet is going to work. Isn’t that exciting??” And I’m usually met with blank stares.

I think the social media giants will slowly continue to become less relevant and there will be a natural shift toward alternatives. The more polished the alternatives become and the more the communities will prove valuable with actual human connections, the more they will slowly appeal to the masses. I think many people are sucked into the world of consumerism and cannot imagine an alternative.

submitted 9 months ago by loopy to c/dadjokes

I know back in the old country (blueit er redhat or whatever it was) there was a rule for waiting a year or some time before reposts were allowed again. Should there be something like that here?

On an unrelated note, I got my friend the other day with a zinger. They were recovering from surgery and said they were moving up their diet and the nurse was getting them a liquid menu. I said, “LIQUID MENU? HOW ARE YOU GONNA HOLD IT?” …I think I could hear eyes rolled over the phone.

submitted 9 months ago by loopy to c/[email protected]

Has anyone else tried finding a lemmy.world community on lemmyverse.net? I don’t see any results for known communities that exist. I’m not sure if that is intentional or overlooked or what. The last I checked, that search was still being used to find communities that maybe haven’t been connected yet to a user’s home instance.

submitted 10 months ago by loopy to c/voyagerapp

I tried a lemmy.world account and lemm.ee account, each with the username and then the email. The accounts work fine on the Voyager web app, just not the native iOS app.

File limit size? (self.lemmy_support)
submitted 10 months ago by loopy to c/[email protected]

I mod a community that frequently posts HD images. I tried posting an image natively through the Memmy app and then through a mobile browser, both of which gave me a “File size too large.” I was able to post a hosting link just fine, but the resolution was smaller when downloaded again through the browser or Memmy app.

Is there a Lemmy, Lemmy.World, or Memmy file size limitation? I’d like to know what the cutoff is, so I can post that in the community’s description.

submitted 10 months ago by loopy to c/dadjokes

Please see the updated sidebar. Do not post external links to websites such as Facebook and Instagram.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by loopy to c/dadjokes

of when I handed my dad his 60th birthday card.

He told me, “You know one would have been enough.”

submitted 11 months ago by loopy to c/fediverse

Does anyone know of a Fediverse alternative for Snapchat?

I know of Friendica, but it looks more like a Facebook. Not a Fediverse option, but so far Signal’s stories look to be the closest option I can find. Any input is appreciated.

submitted 11 months ago by loopy to c/voyagerapp

I know customization comes after functionality on the priority list, but I would love a few color options in the Appearance settings to replace the blue. Purple, orange, and turquoise would be at the top of my list.

I prefer a dark background anyway, so the background would be less of a worry, but a graphite grey and beige would be nice eventually too.

Thanks to everyone that is working on this.

submitted 11 months ago by loopy to c/dadjokes

I just updated the sidebar. As a rule of thumb, if you cannot tell this joke to a 5-year-old, you should probably post it to the new community [email protected]

submitted 11 months ago by loopy to c/mods

One community I mod is primarily for sharing images. I initially required uploading to services like Imgur or PostImages and post the link to Lemmy, to decrease hosting demand, but it’s much easier to simply upload it to Lemmy. Does it make sense to re-require uploading elsewhere? I don’t want to contribute to hosting overload, but I’d like an easy user experience.

@[email protected], if you can weigh in, I would appreciate it too.

submitted 1 year ago by loopy to c/mobilewallpaper

from pxfuel

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by loopy to c/mobilewallpaper

Made from Lonesome Traveller by Pete Lloyd

It is listed as “true black” but I don’t actually have an OLED phone, so correct me if it is not OLED true black.

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