
joined 2 years ago
[–] khannie 3 points 1 day ago

Where would military equipment to rival the one from the US come from?

We don't have it yet. Absolutely no question. Not really sure why folks are arguing otherwise.

Russian capacity to produce military equipment far outstrips Europe. EU have been pumping grant money into building capacity since 2022 but I'm not sure how far it's come.

How we're not on a war footing since the invasion and especially since it became clear that at best the US election was a toss up I will never understand.

[–] khannie 5 points 2 days ago (1 children)

OH MY GOD! I had one of those! I haven't seen a picture of one since.

The keyboard was so awful. I don't remember getting it as a birthday or other gift so it must have been a hand me down from a family friend or something.

[–] khannie 5 points 3 days ago

I think that about sums it up

[–] khannie 7 points 3 days ago

It's the official Ukrainian government site for donations.

[–] khannie 3 points 4 days ago

Moved in with my wife fairly shortly after we started dating. I'd say within 3-4 months. It just felt right to both of us. Married 20 years now.

[–] khannie 30 points 4 days ago
[–] khannie 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

If you don't mind me asking, how often did politics come up with your parents?

Edit: just for my own perspective, they came up a little with my father while he was still alive and very, very rarely with my mother who I still see daily. I gently gauge the political position that my kids have but I've raised them all with empathy as a central tenet of their upbringing so that's more or less where they tend to fall as best I can tell.

I am not interested in ending up where you did and I mean that with kindness.

[–] khannie 7 points 1 week ago

I have gotten a few family members and friends to use signal as I stated to them that this is the only way to get ahold of me.

Same. It's the default app for everyone I'm close to.

[–] khannie 49 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

E2E with privately generated and held keys, have you published your PGP public key yet?

Exactly. You can't stop secure encryption.

I remember in the very old days of the internet when only the US had strong encryption and thought it was some gotcha. They labeled it a weapon to prevent overseas export. Phil Zimmerman created PGP, lobbed the source into a book (protected under 1st amendment) then shipped it overseas.

If strong encryption exists and people want to use it, you're just not going to be able to stop them.

[–] khannie 1 points 1 week ago

The Brits are actually very fond of their pints and miles and so on.

[–] khannie 8 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I would love to see it. You're gonna see an initial influx of the Irish though if it ever happens. Just sayin'. My sister already lives over there in the arse end of the NWT. She is there a good 15 years, has residency and I very much doubt she'll ever move home. She's an incredible teacher though so you're lucky to have her.

There's only 5M of us though, so not that many.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by khannie to c/[email protected]

I was gifted a 4K bluray player for Christmas. Whopper!

I immediately bought my favourite movie of all time - Aliens. I only got around to watching it recently and HOLY COW the detail. I grew up watching it on a VHS that I recorded off the TV.

I'm looking for some recommendations for things to visually blow me away. I was thinking of Interstellar, but I did watch that recently enough.

All suggestions welcome and thank you!

edit: Some absolute bangers of recommendations here, many of which I wouldn't have considered. Thanks folks!


Some things may go without saying, but Belgium's food agency issued a public health warning as the festive season wrapped up: don't eat your Christmas tree.

The unusual message came after the city of Ghent, an environmentalist stronghold in the country's northern Flanders region, raised eyebrows by posting tips for recycling the conifers on the dinner table.

Pointing with enthusiasm to examples from Scandinavia, the town website suggested needles could be stripped, blanched and dried - for use in making flavoured butter, for instance.

Asked what they thought of the idea, the reply from Belgium's federal agency for food chain security, AFSCA, was a resounding "No".

"Christmas trees are not destined to enter the food chain," it said in a statement.

What do you donate to? (self.asklemmy)
submitted 2 months ago by khannie to c/[email protected]

Coming up to Christmas I generally make some small donations. Some of these I ask for as Christmas gifts because I'm old and basically have very basic wants and needs so I'm hard to buy for.

Curious to hear if / what others do.

I've expanded my annual list to include:

  • Wikipedia
  • (my home instance)
  • Mozilla (I'm not happy with how they spend their money necessarily but I'm very thankful to have Firefox)
  • Signal messenger
  • A few Ukrainian things ( is the official site if this is your thing but there's a great lady on Reddit I give to occasionally too)
  • The guardian (I read so many articles from there linked on here that I feel like I should and I really appreciate the lack of paywall and easy cookie rejection but never use the site logged in)
No! (
submitted 2 months ago by khannie to c/roughromanmemes

Initial results look like a slight shift to the left. The candidates fielded on a hard right stance are taking a hiding which gives me hope for our little island.

Interesting about "the monk". That would be a cat among the pigeons if he gets in.


95 drones were diverted using spoofing tactics that manipulate the satellite coordinates guiding the drones and missiles through Ukrainian airspace.


submitted 3 months ago by khannie to c/roughromanmemes

Me: Ireland - Approximately 2 minutes until poll in hand is the longest.

I've been seeing long lines for the US elections even for early voting. Seems completely unnecessary.

Pashtunwali (
submitted 4 months ago by khannie to c/wikipedia

Pashtunwali (Pashto: پښتونوالی), also known as Pakhtunwali and Afghaniyat, is the traditional lifestyle or a code of honour and tribal code of the Pashtun people, from Afghanistan and Pakistan, by which they live.

submitted 4 months ago by khannie to c/[email protected]

They just crossed the line. Very tight race in the end.

Live tracker here.

submitted 4 months ago by khannie to c/gamedeals
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