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This is a community dedicated to Canada and Canadians!



Il s'agit d'une communauté dédiée au Canada et aux Canadiens !


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founded 4 years ago

This is about the weekly flyers. Canadian Tire has been close at hand all of my life, a reliable source for things we all need now and then. Today's CTC flyer set my teeth on edge and I resolved to immediately bin this bit of advertising noise from now on. On every page, every item has a big red number proclaiming how much I could save by purchasing the item now. I hate that. When I look at flyers, I want to see what the price is! But because there are hundreds of items in the flyer, it is takes considerable effort to focus and concentrate to find the ACTUAL price. To make it worse,the "Reg Price" is printed in a different, low contrast, colour, and much smaller size than the "SAVE" starburst. I can't help thinking that by emphasizing the (supposed) savings. Canadian Tire is trying to fool me. Well I won't be fooled, because I won't be reading it ever again. I must admit I will miss it for awhile. Probably a very short while.


NOT THE TREATS!!! Mayor Jeremy Levi says: "This isn't a movie scene. It's downtown Montreal, where the pro-Hamas group disrupts commerce for everyone, not just Jews."

"Val Plante, where's your courage to stop this madness?"

@[email protected] #palestine #montreal #canada #zionismisgenocide #civildisobedience


is this man on-par, or is he misinformed?


Israeli officials have reportedly refused to cooperate with a UN investigation into the allegations against UNRWA.

Canadian officials have still not seen any evidence backing up Israel’s allegations against Palestinians’ foremost aid agency despite being one of the first countries to suspend their funding to the group amid one of the most dire humanitarian crises in modern times.

Sources within the Canadian government say that Israel has not provided any evidence backing up claims made in an Israeli intelligence document which accused a dozen employees of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) of having an affiliation with Hamas forces, CBC reported Wednesday.

Recent reports have found that a six-page dossier that many countries have used as the basis for cutting off funding to the crucial agency does not back up the allegations, with multiple outlets across different countries reporting as such; Channel 4, in the U.K., reported that there is “no evidence to support” the claims. Sky News reported that even if the claims were true, they “do not directly implicate UNRWA.”

The agency swiftly fired several of the employees facing accusations last month, a decision that the agency made in reaction to the severity of the claims and not due to evidence of the allegations themselves.

Despite the lack of evidence, however, 16 countries have cut off funding to the agency, including its top two donors, the U.S. and Germany. Like U.S. officials, the Canadian government announced that it was suspending funding to the UNRWA just after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Israel to curtail its merciless military campaign in Gaza, which was already “plausibly” a genocide, the court said.

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A happy Labour Day, in advance, to all Canadians & esp. my fellow software engineers.

Looking forward to us getting closer to unionising our wildly wild IT industry.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The national survey of 2,932 Canadians, conducted by Maru Public Opinion as part of the Canada's Most Respected Awards Program, found that Costco was the most respected food retailer in Canada for the second consecutive time.


Experts say Ottawa is playing more of a role in housing, which is mostly a provincial and territorial responsibility, but federal involvement hasn't brought much relief amid rising home prices.


The Sask party is currently complaining that teachers make too much money in our province while using tax money to put up billboards.

Also as a teacher finding out I make well under average salary is a little disheartening. If you are wondering how much we're paid it's public information and you can find it here: Link sucks on mobile.


B.C.'s Transportation Ministry is telling people to stop pulling over on the province's highways to take photos of wildfires.


The shop is part of a chain selling hallucinogenic mushrooms elsewhere in Canada. By Tuesday afternoon, Montreal police had made arrests.


publication croisée depuis :

Un pas de plus vers l'ouverture de la Maison de la francophonie à Victoria. La ministre des Langues officielles Ginette Petitpas Taylor est attendue mardi après-midi dans la Capitale où elle annoncera du soutien financier. Elle en profitera aussi pour rencontrer les organisateurs des Jeux franco-canadiens du Nord et de l'Ouest. Casey Edmunds, directeur général de la Société francophone de Victoria, discute de l'annonce.


Hi all. In recent months, I've been donating blood through Canadian Blood Services.

I recently got an email from them saying that currently they're at their lowest level of donators in a decade, and I was hoping to maybe give a shout and encourage those able to donate to do so.



After the CRTC let Bell kill local ISPs Bell has set its sights on killing local news as well.


Alternate titles:

  • the boy who cried Nuke
  • Putin has a Nuke! You just wouldn't know it. It goes to another school.. In Canada!!
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