You either support the hate, vitriol and murder against trans people, or you don't. There is no middle ground.
The idea that demanding trans people be treated with the dignity and respect other classes of people expect as being "aggressive" is just a pathetic way to try to deflect from their desire to support the side they know they cannot morally defend. It allows them to pretend "both sides" are at fault in order to deflect for the hate they functionally support. Only a stark moron could look at the current events relative to the treatment of trans people and think they are somehow demanding greater rights than the rest of us have.
Just another flavor of the "both sides" bullshit that has permeated politics; but only one side has abandoned democracy and staged an insurrection while collectively acting like the victims in the aftermath.
If you are a "centrist" and this seems like an appealing position to support, maybe you should take a long, long look in the mirror.
Failure is the goal. The next target is destroying the department of education.
These people are ignorant disgraceful trash and if we don't do something about them we are going to find ourselves in feudal America with serfs lords and kings again.