Larry Ellison is a bag of dick scabs
PowerNerd by Devin Townsend
I think I would dig playing one of a part of a multi-country collective of paladins that congregate when there's a threat to the realm, very much in the vein of Mighty Morphing Power Rangers.
I've got 5000w worth of generators, two wood stoves, water heater and stove are gas, and we have about three months worth of food in feezers/pantry (we stocked up right before covid lockdowns and have kept up with it since). We would probably be good for a while, but we have a lot of family in the area that would shorten that by a bunch.
Worshippers of Cthulhu
How does he keep getting work??
Hells yeah; I'm on a boat kick right now and it's been super fun. Both games are fantastic.
This right here; and I would offer that Cataclysm DDA is either as good or just a tiny bit below
Gitea, wger, jellyfin, samba, *arr stack, jellyseer
I like all the Terminator movies. All of them. Time travel, killer robots, Arnold; I know it's wrong but I can't help myself.