
joined 1 year ago
[–] danc4498 1 points 1 hour ago

There's a wide range of reactions that are not douchey while being both honest and on topic.

[–] danc4498 1 points 4 hours ago

Don't forget tax breaks for the wealthy. They love their rich!

[–] danc4498 3 points 6 hours ago (2 children)

That made me lol.

[–] danc4498 4 points 7 hours ago
[–] danc4498 22 points 8 hours ago (8 children)

Don't tell dad that I sit down to pee almost exclusively.

[–] danc4498 20 points 8 hours ago

The Trans bathroom looks just like my bathroom. Wtf I'm shook.

[–] danc4498 0 points 8 hours ago (2 children)

So we're in agreement that what he did was douchey.

There's many things he could have done that weren't douchey.

[–] danc4498 0 points 10 hours ago (4 children)

I'm not saying Terrence has any legs to stand on, he doesn't.

I'm just saying it seems a little douchey to get a paper from someone that is in no way a colleague or friend and go to town on that paper. He should have treated it like an amateur that needs encouragement not a colleague that needs the hard truth.

[–] danc4498 7 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

The ideal form

[–] danc4498 44 points 11 hours ago (5 children)

The real challenge is to use the app on somebody not wearing makeup.

[–] danc4498 48 points 11 hours ago (3 children)

Yes, but I don't recommend it

[–] danc4498 1 points 14 hours ago (6 children)

It still comes off a bit douchey. He kept saying that his bluntness of the peer review would be th same as if it was a friend or colleague requesting a peer review. I didn't get the impression that Howard was a friend or a colleague and certainly did not request a peer review. Or even understand the process of a peer review for that matter.

With that said, I do find the video interesting from the perspective of a person that also doesn't know anything about a peer review.


2 great movies about bad moms. One from the child’s perspective, the other from the mom’s perspective.


Welcome to my darkness. I spent my life hunting this guy, Morty. This is the closest I've ever been to Rick Prime. It's impossible. He.. He's an incredibly crafty piece of shit. Hunting him destroyed me, Morty, but now we're gonna do it together. You and me. It's going to take over your life Morty! Rick and Morty season 7: Hunting My Nemesis. Maybe trying to stay healthy while doing it? Juggling plates? Not every episode, Morty. It could be all happening in the background. Who knows? No.. Noone will, except us. It.. It's the most painfull shit I've ever had to deal with, but I'm bringing you into it because you asked for it, Morty! You and me Morty!


I’m not really sure where to ask this question. Maybe there’s a lemmy dev community where these kind of discussions already happen.

I feel like the default front page in Lemmy is still severely lacking when compared to Reddit’s r/all algorithm. I find hot and top hourly to be nearly identical. The top 6 hour is closer, but still not as good as what the Reddit default front page is.


And it never has.


Not sure if this is where suggestions go, but I'll put it he anyway.

I think the community name should be shown above the preview image of the post. Seeing the community name is important for the context of whatever the post is. I'd like to see the name before seeing the actual post.

submitted 11 months ago by danc4498 to c/videos
What's a dentist'e favorite time? (self.bonehurtingjuice)
submitted 11 months ago by danc4498 to c/[email protected]

spoiler5pm. He goes home at 5pm

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