It's also worth noting that he fell on his own sword, politically. He knew that Briton needed a strong leader, with the people unified behind them. Churchill could do this, he couldn't. He took the blame to keep the rest of the party clean.
The game changer will be swarm capable drones.
A few smart drones can be used to guide a swarm of cheaper drones on target. Additional sensor drones can feed back info to improve this.
Currently, defensive systems can cope with a drone attack. However, if you have 20 coming in from all directions, in perfect coordination, they will be overwhelmed. You don't even need all of them to be armed, just a couple, protected by the rest.
Current drone usage is akin to the first tanks in WWI. The WWII equivalent will be terrifying.
More than I see very few of them anymore. I see more of them when I look in the junk mail, but even hotmail has gotten good a filtering out all the crap.
Does it however? I'm not up to speed on modern anti spam, but a huge number of spelling mistakes screams spam to me. I would be extremely surprised if it wasn't the case. The best way to deliver spam is to make it indistinguishable from legit messages.
Also, the existence of spear fishing implies it's a choice.
No evidence that we have. The spammers obviously think it's worth doing however, and they are the ones that would have the statistics.
The initial fishing is a low effort, wide net. What follows actually takes the investment of man hours and/or other resources. They would rather get 1 catch they can take all the way, than 500 where 495 will figure it out later and bail.
The same way your mortgage is backed up by your house. If you default on your mortgage, the bank can take your house in foreclosure.
Rather than sell shares to raise the money, Musk has backed his borrowing with Tesla shares. Basically, if he doesn't pay back the loan, the banks get the shares. Unlike houses, shares can change value quite quickly. If the value of the loan exceeds the value of the shares, then the banks start to get VERY nervous. They will call in the loans to get what they can, before things get worse. This could crash the share price further, since they will want to offload the shares as soon as possible.
Musk is extremely rich. However, like most extremely rick people, his money is tied up in shares. If Tesla falls fast enough, he could end up owing more than he has in assets. As soon as his creditors pull the plug, he becomes bankrupt.
We all have a fundamental drive to avoid dying. Our awareness of this inevitability is in direct conflict with this. The solution is often a change in how you think about things and yourself.
My personal view is that I have something analogous to a soul. It is the 'me' of me. It is also fundamentally tied to the structure of my brain (and body). When that structure changes, I change, when it goes, my 'soul' is destroyed with it. Critically however is that it is not alone. I can imagine what friends and relatives would say or do. In some ways, I have a weaker copy of their 'soul' within mine.
I also imprint part of my soul onto others in other ways. I create ripples in the world. Changes that wouldn't happen, were I not alive. Those ripples propagate through others, changing them. Some of those ripples are weak, only affecting 1 person. Others are stronger, affecting several people. A few are strong, able to spread, grow, and change the world (if only slightly). While those ripples, or their echoes exist, part of me does too.
My goal in life is 2-fold. Maximise my happiness and maximise the positive ripples I can create.
A quote by Terry Pratchett put it more poetically.
"No one is finally dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away, until the clock wound up winds down, until the wine she made has finished its ferment, until the crop they planted is harvested. The span of someone’s life is only the core of their actual existence."
Espressif released a statement about it. It's basically a debug function for internal use. It can't actually do anything you couldn't do via other means, with that level of access.
To be fair, training them to fight isn't that frowned upon. It's fun watching small children trying out martial arts. It's only frowned upon when you make them fight to a KO.
We have so many accents, even within England, let alone the empire, that we had to invent a reference accent. Queens English is what the BBC used for a long time. It was intended that all 'cultured' workers should be able to converse in it. This meant the upper class could travel anywhere and not have to deal with local accents, when ordering the servants about.
It's still quite useful, since it is intended to be easily comprehensible to all English speakers. Downside is that it makes you sound like a posh twat.
As painful as it is, this is both what the high road actually looks like, and how we win, longer term. We need to bleed off those we can from the echo chamber of insanity. The more 'moderates' we can strip off, the more obvious that insanity becomes.
Mockery feels good, but it drives them back into their group. Kindness and understanding gives us the cracks we need to start deconverting them.