
joined 1 year ago
[–] creditCrazy 0 points 3 hours ago

Like I mean when you have antifa guys going around smashing cars and dressing up like thugs it's pretty hard to feel safe around antifa and take in their messages I just see violence and destruction and me wanting to get out asap sure their may be some chill antifa members but when the first thing I see when looking up your movement I see burning cars defaced buildings the message is kinda lost because with imagery like that I don't want to stick around to find the chill guys i want to get as far away from the psychos as fast as humanly possible

[–] creditCrazy 4 points 3 hours ago

I will admit not much as most the value of Stonehenge is knowledge we don't know yet but here we are getting up in arms over a vandalized public library which 99percent of the time carys 100 percent manufactured books you can go to your local library and destroy their copy of the giving tree and while your community will have to wait to be able to read the giving tree again your public library can always order a new copy of the giving tree and even if somehow every physical copy of the giving tree got destroyed you can go online and find a PDF scan of the giving tree and print it out to make a new copy of the giving tree meanwhile you can think of Stonehenge as a book in a forgotten language that no one can understand yet and before we can figure out what Stonehenge is trying to say someone burns it and while yeah nothing changes in our lives because we didn't understand it yet but now that ass hole just prevented us all from ever getting the chance to understand and read the tail of Stonehenge I'm not even a millionaire but even I want to know the story but if Stonehenge got destroyed then I'd be depraved of the chance to read my version of the giving tree

[–] creditCrazy 4 points 6 hours ago

Looking at people talking about just stop oil I really do think the last thing you said is something a lot of protesters regardless of movement or message if you just annoy people your going to just make people pissed at you rather than with you I don't care what you're protesting get off the road

[–] creditCrazy 3 points 6 hours ago (2 children)

With a lot of fine art I can see your point but Stonehenge as far as I understand is something we don't understand the propose of and is so old I would hardly call it art anymore and moreso a historical site of study it might've been a art piece when new maybe it was a place of worship or maybe it was a home we don't know so yea Id say vandalizing Stonehenge is absolutely on par with vandalizing a book but at least books in this time have plenty of carbon copies and easily replaced and duplicated but there's only one Stonehenge and we don't have the knowledge to replace or even repair it we don't even know the full history of what it even was there's unknown knowledge yet to be understood

[–] creditCrazy 2 points 7 hours ago

God damnit Boeing what did we say about silencing teammates

[–] creditCrazy 4 points 11 hours ago

Probably the funniest part of that is it's only half a joke. I have sat inside the engine bay of my 56 bel air. If a simple sedan can fit me under the hood imagine how much more excess space this van has under that tall hood compared to its small grill. The engine can't be talking that much space if it needs that much ventilation.

[–] creditCrazy 7 points 11 hours ago

Maybe if you're down south but us northerners start sweating at 20c

[–] creditCrazy 4 points 11 hours ago

On sites that let me do this I might just try this trick lol

[–] creditCrazy 5 points 11 hours ago (3 children)

I'm sure you can even fit a couple more guys in the engine bay

[–] creditCrazy 3 points 13 hours ago (2 children)

Still gotta find a fourth member

[–] creditCrazy 2 points 13 hours ago

Dude looks pissed before even starting the reaction


I live in amarica and noticed that every tape measures I find are imperial only. Hell even on Amazon I can't find a metric tape measure and you'd think they must exist considering us amaricans are the only people using imperial.

submitted 6 months ago by creditCrazy to c/memes

It seems that steam is the only application that understands what my buttons are supposed to be called is anyone else having this issue is this a driver issue


I've gotten a 1956 bel air and after searing for the reason why my spidometer doesn't work and just makes noise ive found that the cable connector is to big to screw into the spidometer how can I find another cable that can screw into the spidometer or make the one I have work


I’ve just came from using a Google pixel that’s lasted me for 5 years before the battery died and since then I’ve gotten a Motorola edge one year in and the screen cracked in half while it was sitting on a table as I was watching YouTube then I got a Motorola edge and while I was at work I put my phone in my pocket for a second and there’s a crack on the edge of my screen do I just have really rotten luck or are Motorola’s prone to braking

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