
joined 2 years ago
[–] cmoney 51 points 2 days ago

The leopards are having a grand ole time, what with so many faces to eat.

[–] cmoney 17 points 5 days ago (1 children)

So that was you?

[–] cmoney 11 points 6 days ago

Trump kissing president Musk's feet

[–] cmoney 2 points 1 week ago
[–] cmoney 5 points 2 weeks ago

He's not considered white. Which is a problem in nazis circles.

[–] cmoney 141 points 2 weeks ago (15 children)

I have some bad news for Yeezy. Nazis ~~weren't~~ aren't very fond of brown people either.

[–] cmoney 21 points 2 weeks ago

Who could have seen this coming? A convicted felon who has avoided any real consequences and spent his entire adult life fucking people over is gonna ignore the courts? Can't wait for the wagging of the finger or shaking of the fist he's got coming to him.

[–] cmoney 3 points 2 weeks ago

Actually a good idea! Too bad ~~Republicans~~ Nazis lack the ability to think critically or independently.

[–] cmoney 145 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Weird how one CEO gets Luigied and suddenly it's bring your kid to work day for president Musk.

[–] cmoney 27 points 2 weeks ago

I propose that the White House be the president, instead of ~~Trump~~ Elon.

[–] cmoney 31 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

What a scandal this is, it should have a name like Elon gate, this could really stretch on for a long time! Ok I'm done I'll see myself out.

submitted 10 months ago by cmoney to c/cat

In this episode, I speak with Anthony Magnabosco a founder and the current Executive Director of the nonprofit Street Epistemology International, an educational organization that is committed to addressing dysfunction in public and private discourse by encouraging rationality through civil conversation. Anthony has been involved with Street Epistemology since 2013, and has given dozens of talks and workshops at conferences and events domestically and internationally. Many of his conversations have been uploaded to YouTube and demonstrate how Street Epistemology can be applied to a variety of claims including ones that are spiritual, political, or societal.

submitted 1 year ago by cmoney to c/reddit

Like a lot of the new users here I too am a former Redditor. I was on Reddit for 15 years, it was my main source of news and information. I didn't agree with many of the changes to reddit but kept on, till recently when I learned the app I'd been using "Infinity" would no longer work, I guess that was the final straw, but as the title suggests I'm glad. I started looking for other sources of information and entertainment which led to lemmy and the fediverse. I also found other content creators on platforms like patreon, substack, discord, mastodon,that I may not have found otherwise if I was still on Reddit. Just felt like sharing, thank you for reading this, hope you all have a wonderful day.

See you in hell (
submitted 2 years ago by cmoney to c/memes
No excuses (
submitted 2 years ago by cmoney to c/atheism

Written thousands of years ago by ancient lunatics whose ignorance is completely understandable. Believed as truth today by morons who have no excuse for being that fucking stupid.

irony (
submitted 2 years ago by cmoney to c/atheism

Irony is a pastor asking for money to solve church problems, and advising you to pray to solve yours.

seeking wisdom (
2023 Anti-trans bill tracker (
submitted 2 years ago by cmoney to c/lgbtq

Website shows a break down of the Anti-trans bills being introduced in the US and further breaks down by state.

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