
joined 10 months ago
[–] cabron_offsets 4 points 42 minutes ago
[–] cabron_offsets 9 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

his country is russia, you fucking idiots.

[–] cabron_offsets 2 points 8 hours ago

Don’t expect retards to accept this. They’ll just huff their fucking copium as if Thursday didn’t happen.

[–] cabron_offsets 3 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

The incumbent just shit the bed on live tv and fell into the trap set by the degenerates. You can huff as much copium as you want, we’re fucked without a shakeup of some kind. Brandon has a chance, sure, especially if Trump chokes on a fucking hamberder, but that’s not a risk worth taking. Swapping him out for a charismatic leader is a risk worth taking. Now kindly fuck off.

[–] cabron_offsets 124 points 8 hours ago (26 children)

Good. Now imprison the fucking traitor.

[–] cabron_offsets 14 points 9 hours ago

Thank fuck.

[–] cabron_offsets 10 points 9 hours ago (4 children)

Half of that table has no fucking data, and you’re saying that Biden is better than the competition?!?

[–] cabron_offsets 6 points 21 hours ago

I hereby call on Trump to fucking kill himself in a most painful manner.

[–] cabron_offsets 3 points 21 hours ago

Mr. Seagal, what are your thoughts on da poonani?

[–] cabron_offsets 57 points 23 hours ago (2 children)

Thoughts on this watch? I’m looking for solar, simple, for a smaller wrist.

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