Hilariously corrupt, sad, and frustrating is how I would describe everything he does.
Oh look, now I don't have to even consider getting a Lexus or a Hulu subscription!
Yo ho ho and fiddle-dee-dee, the pirate's life is the life for me!
The only time I think about Indiana is memorial day weekend and I want to keep it that way.
Except of course for parts of Michigan. Missouri. Ohio. Iowa. Rural Illinois and Minnesota...
Fuck, how's the northeast doing?
I appreciate your help my dude I think I was missing lib32-mesa, it's all good now
I installed lib32-mesa and now it works
In fairness even the Democrats are Republicans these days.
I'm plugged in with a high speed HDMI right into my GPU
My aspect ratio on kde display settings is 16:9, resolution 3640x2160
I've played in 4k on this machine before with these games, but that was before I reinstalled a couple weeks ago to fix a different problem (mostly Helldivers 2, DOOM 2016, and CoD WWII)
I ran
paru -Syyu amdgpu
I could be missing something though theoretically I'm not out to say I know everything
BuLlDoZeRs dOnT kIlL pEoPlE
PeOpLe KiLl PeOpLe
I think it's a scoop for long noodles