
joined 1 year ago
[–] ace_garp 3 points 1 day ago
[–] ace_garp 3 points 1 day ago

Ack ack ack.

[–] ace_garp 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Yes, it's glorious 🤗

[–] ace_garp 12 points 2 days ago (5 children)

Cube 2: Sauerbraten

Everything that is good about 90s FPS crammed into one free download.

[–] ace_garp 2 points 2 days ago

Baraka (1992)

[–] ace_garp 3 points 2 days ago

For the complete stockpile of original demo files, check out:


Or regular video streaming websites for just the visuals.

[–] ace_garp 3 points 3 days ago

DooM soundtrack intensifies.

[–] ace_garp 3 points 3 days ago

This one was my favourite back in the day,

Bomb! - State of Mind - (1998) NSFW

[–] ace_garp 3 points 3 days ago

apt-get install bb


[–] ace_garp 4 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Yeah, one of the biggest selling brands is hopeless for this. I have to colour the base of each one.

It's like the company wants the marker to dry out and for me to go buy more.

! waaaaait a minute!

[–] ace_garp 7 points 4 days ago

No true alive person would be caught dead.

[–] ace_garp 45 points 5 days ago

Not a cell phone in sight..


Dropdown menu at top for other modes.

This one at least describes the 1400 partners they will share your information with.

Has an opt-out option too.

How Doom's Enemy AI Works (
submitted 1 month ago by ace_garp to c/videos

Know your enemy.

This video is an interesting behind-the-scenes look into the capabilities and senses of each different enemy in the 1993 videogame DooM.

  • Bonus content and nostalgia:

A look at where consumer available FPS began with Maze Wars+ (1987)

Maze Wars+ was the first experience of a networked-multiplayer-graphical-game for many people, and completely mindblowing for the era.


I'm interested if anything was visible from the Perth metro area. Will it only show up in dark-sky places away from towns.

Can also post if you saw it anywhere else in WA too. Location, day and time etc.

Sodom - Agent Orange (
submitted 3 months ago by ace_garp to c/metal

Top old-school thrash.


TIL - The RTRFM 4 O'clock Classic intro is from here.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by ace_garp to c/[email protected]

A treasure from the past. Print run was 2.5 years through 86-88.

Lying halfway between Buster and Viz, was Oink! A cheeky, pig-themed, politically aware comic, that generated some hilarous lampoons of other comic strips and media personalities.

Great writers, who came from, and went on to do some further outstanding works.

Favourite strip was New Wave Dave.


c/comics says no NSFW in the community info.

Where is an appropriate place to post this? Can be on any instance.

More info: It is a one off art piece. Not an ongoing webcomic.


A video by mathematician Matt Parker describing the workings of a toy automaton.


I remember there being no text or speech, some fire-extinguishers sprayed all over the place, someone hunting with a bow and arrow across an office desk.

It was in a step-by-step airliner-safety-card style of art.

First saw this about 10 years ago on some other site.


Timestamps are

Perth: 1-40seconds

Australian saying: 11:55min


1990 started off smooth.

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