It's going to be this way until we figure out a better way to cultivate empathy at a huge scale. Between technological isolation, increasing scarcity, and the divide-and-conquer tactics of the power players in our society, we seem to be going the wrong direction fast. We'll continue to collectively stick the penny in the light socket until we are able to appreciate the experiences of other people enough to learn something from them.
This reminds me of a back shield apparently used in some Iroquois wood armour that would similarly provide protection to the neck and head. I guess missiles from your own back-line guys is not an uncommon problem. Get me some of these warriors in the Total War games or Myth: TFL
Their kids are their property. But your kids are state property and have no agency compared to whatever quack theories the right's favourite podcasters and youtube shouty men and Facebook meme accounts have been fixated on this week.
City cops don't live near the people they police.
Or his reputation will fade and get rehabbed like Reagan and Dubya, especially when the next Republican administration is monstrous in new and terrible ways.
I really liked it. Good game to play during the coldest days of winter if that is much of a thing where you are.
Seriously y'all, watch it but definitely not like this.
Iran, Ireland, same difference
We wanted to know how good his 5g reception is