
joined 1 year ago
[–] aDuckk 8 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

These guys already call whatever they happen to stub their toe on a woke communist pedo globalism, so he'd 100% shoot them and anyone else if he could possibly get away with it.

[–] aDuckk 2 points 1 week ago

Like a decade old and still actively updated with new content, while the dev is working on a new game no less.

[–] aDuckk 9 points 1 week ago

Laid low waiting for a proportionate backlash that should have happened but didn't

[–] aDuckk 20 points 1 week ago

Last time around, stolen mods and assets being sold on their platform was a problem and I don't imagine it will be any different now.

[–] aDuckk 16 points 3 weeks ago

"I like people who didn't crash."

[–] aDuckk 4 points 3 weeks ago

Imagine if they gave some or all of it to an Amazon union drive. A prank of historical proportions

[–] aDuckk 6 points 1 month ago

It gets worse either way, the only good times for us are when things are stable. But stability is worse than failure to someone whose occupation is Shareholder.

[–] aDuckk 3 points 1 month ago

Where did you come from Cotton Eye Joe?

[–] aDuckk 1 points 1 month ago

If you can find a cheap or free way to access the Single Player Tarkov mod, which normally requires a legit game account, that is probably your best bet. There might be a way to fool it with a pirated copy but I haven't needed to try since I (regrettably) purchased Tarkov ages ago.

[–] aDuckk 2 points 1 month ago

Actually you're right, I forgot about that detail on Obsidian. I'm not a fan of Microsoft owning Everything but at least there's a chance someone higher up will see all the dollars they would be missing out on here

[–] aDuckk 13 points 1 month ago (18 children)

After apparently being given insufficient time to properly tune the game. There's another story going around about how Bethesda wants to increase their output since at the moment we're not going to see any proper Fallout from them until into the 2030s, over 15 years after the last one. I say hire Obsidian now and pay their bonus up front including their New Vegas bonus they got scammed out of last time.

[–] aDuckk 3 points 2 months ago

Meanwhile they can't function without their morning coffee otherwise it's Tylenol time to manage the headaches, meds for all the disorders we get living in a society, and a dozen dopaminergic compulsions required to compenate for this and that.

Event design and FOMO (self.huntshowdown)
submitted 10 months ago by aDuckk to c/huntshowdown

I recently started getting back into Hunt and I'm enjoying the event stuff enough to want to participate. However my timing is poor because I joined with just a couple of weeks left in the event which makes a lot of the progression seem pointless and even a bit discouraging.

I know I should just enjoy the game for what it is, with or without an event. The game was great even before events were a thing. But the current event design seems to maximally reward players who buy in right at the beginning and burn out over the course of the event, who likely quit and play something else until the beginning of the next Hunt event. This is an old complaint I have seen on reddit but never really felt personally until now. I've only been back in the Hunt for a few days now so maybe I have the wrong impression and that complaint doesn't really apply anymore.

What are some ways to make the most of this event for a late joining non-battlepass Hunter like myself? Are there any rumours about when the next event might begin?

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