
joined 1 year ago
[–] XeroxCool 1 points 4 hours ago

I still forget how to tell white dwarfs from neutron stars. Both can charge you, but I think it's white dwarfs that have 1/4 the jet range for like 1/2 the boost. Basically a deadly waste of time. But I don't really go far. I have an icy Dolphin that can park in the normal star scoop zone and stay cool indefinitely, so the boost benefit isn't worth it to me. But I do enjoy that empty dread of the vastness of space and the inconceivable size of celestial bodies.

And of course the dread from the excellent sound design surrounding the Thargoids, the alien enemies you can seek out. But that's normal dread.

You ever land on mitterand hollow? Or rather, you ever let the moon known as mitterand hollow land on you? That's an experience. It's actually incredibly safe due to the spatial reframing, but good luck convincing your brain

[–] XeroxCool 1 points 5 hours ago

Was that the Urahraptor? Discovered in 1993, estimated 5-6ft tall and 16-20ft long according to wiki

[–] XeroxCool 1 points 11 hours ago

The 3rd gen Suzuki Grand Vitara had full time 4WD with low range, a center LSD, and a center locker

[–] XeroxCool 1 points 12 hours ago

Yeah, that's why it's mildlyinteresting. The general trend is change for the sake of change. This one didn't.

[–] XeroxCool -1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Why change for the sake of change? Because marketing analytics says they need to be the face of new-new. Why risk breaking automation? Because that's a you-problem. Google does not care about you, the user. They want you, the ad target. Things break all the time for meaningless changes

[–] XeroxCool 8 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

That was a popular distinction maybe 20 years ago, but the line is fuzzed and functionally, the term "crossover (CUV) is dead. But, like all terms automotive, it's just marketing." Crossover" seemed friendlier to women to get them to drive tall cars. Now everything is classed as a [size] suv. Some classic suv examples were always unibody like the jeep Cherokee. Edit: I see now your other comment touches on offroad capability. So does a 2wd "suv" (by your definition) then get declassified? Does a body-on-frame tall wagon with viscous coupling awd get declassified?

And no (takes a deep breath to survive an emotional down vote onslaught), there is no legal difference between 4x4, 4wd, or awd. A manufacturer can choose any term to apply to any type of 4-wheel locomotion. Every definitive trait has some counter example that still counts because people "feel" it's good enough.

[–] XeroxCool 4 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Is this on a single charge? Any measurable change in output?

[–] XeroxCool 2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Would plugging a drive with an OS on it into a running computer just show a list of files like normal?

[–] XeroxCool 8 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Fuck The System

[–] XeroxCool 15 points 1 week ago

It's not necessarily that they dislike the people, either. It could be an issue if the other people/animals at home aren't cooperative with your need to work, despite being lovely in normal home situations. It could be a total lack of cooperative workspace - no desk space, too cluttered, areas already dedicated to other home tasks, noisy neighbors, easy distractions, etc. And then some people are just wholly impatient, who can't identify what they need to make their home space more like their office space. Personally, I played a bunch of video games in 2020. I felt I performed better overall because blocking off an hour of game campaign kept me off my phone most of the day. Now I sit in an office again, scrolling here for more than an hour each day.

But yes, I had a number of coworkers in 2020 that came back as soon as they could in order to get away from their families again. Work was their herculean daily task that gave them an excuse to be away from families and be too tired to engage with them after work. The kind that always joked "gonna go home, hit the wife, and fuck the dog"

It's not always outright negativity, but it can be.

[–] XeroxCool 5 points 1 week ago

People credit Tommy Lee Jones, but the true hero was the basketball that we rolled along the way

[–] XeroxCool -4 points 1 week ago

Base models are for cities. For the other half of the US population, 38-55 is normal for a midsized sedan or low for a full size pickup

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