Elite Dangerous

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Elite Dangerous related community. Tips and Tricks about the game.

1.) No NSFW content 2.) Don't fly without rebuy

founded 2 years ago

I was playing today doing some exploration toward Hawking's gap, when I noticed I didn't have to toggle the orbit in a while...

Turns out it was fixed in the Trailblazers update ! They also fixed a couple issues with the powerplay screen.

With luck VR users will get more love in the next few updates?


What do yall think of Trailblazers so far? I've just built my first colony, and I really like it so far. I dont even mind the grind... until the CMM composites come into play. Hopefully they buff them again, cuz even with the buff, its really annoying to go some place and pick up like 70 CMMs when I need 5000.

Im gonna try and make my colony a refinery based colony, and build cmms for myself and others in my sector.


System Colonisation is now possible. Let the Bubble’s expansion commence.


In short: Putting down a claim needs 25mil and 5 mins to shoot out a beacon. Then you have 4 weeks to collect a massive amount of materials to build your first port.

I've set out to colonize Paradiso. Anyone else going to claim systems?

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by regrub to c/elitedangerous

I finally got around to trying the Scorpion, but even for settlement raids and surface markers, the Scarab seems overall better in most aspects, especially when it comes to long range combat.

Edit: it seems good at killing sentry skimmers, but you gotta get pretty close because turrets are so inaccurate


Community Goal is now active in Minerva and rewards a Brewer decal: "All participants will receive a unique ship Decal. Participants must register at least 1 contribution to be eligible."

Contribute by earning bounty vouchers or delivering specific commodities. A quick check of profit margins on these goods show there's not much profit to be made but still worth a couple of runs (I'll be delivering Power Generators myself):

  • Copper ~450cr -
  • Computer Components ~500cr -
  • CMM Composite ~1000cr (very low supply though) -
  • Power Generators ~700cr -
  • Water Purifiers ~500cr -
  • Surface Stabiliser ~ 450cr -
  • Structural Regulators ~700cr -

INARA link: https://inara.cz/elite/communitygoals/

ED Forum Link with more details: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/brewer-corporation-trailblazer-fleet-initiative-trade.633911/


Hi, so I asked recently who was the best Power Player, and I have to ask, is there a Leader who gives bonus Genetic Data money? I know Li gives 100% bonus exploration data cash, but do any of them give a genetic data bonus?


Title says it all. Im still neutral after all these hours, mostly cuz im an explorer, but i wanna know what you guys back in the bubble think? And what do you think of the new Shadow President for the feds?


Greetings CMDRs,

As you may have noticed there was an effort to dethrone the faction Mother Gaia in Sol, in order to see if something happens to the exclusive lockdown of Neptune's moon Triton. (All credits for the idea to CMDR Tormanbin.)

In the end of the last year, MG was dethroned, and Sol Worker's party was #1. But this happened at the most unfortunate time. It was around the holidays, when the titan was invading Sol. FDevs paused BGS changes in the system for weeks.

But then, over the holidays, people lost motivation. And MG is having their comeback.

My idea now behind this is, that FDevs indeed were caring about our efforts. But could not do anything because they had to finish the long planned thargoid plot line at this point. So they froze things.

It was just bad timing.

We have seen that this idea hooked enough of us to make changes. I say let's get Mother Gaia as low as we can, and keep her down for as long as we can.

What we need now is our own motivation. And more propaganda for the cause to motivate others. (Feel free to copy or crosspost this or make your own posts.)

I don't know if it will be for Triton, for Raxxla, just a galnet article or whatever. But I am sure we can tease out something there.

If you are interested, feel free to join the Independent Raxxla Hunters discord for conversation. (Public bulletin>Operation Sol)




Come join Kumo Crew (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/elitedangerous

Power Play is gangsters doing gangster shit. Come join Archon Delaine and be part of the Kumo Crew. Fuck all those little bitches undermining in solo, give your nutsack a tug.

E: give your lady nutsack a tug also. Play open, don't let the fear get you.


I'm still wanting ship interiors for boarding, but I dont think that's ever happening. Scavanging destroyed or disabled ships in space while departed from the vessel would be amazing. They could even add some horror element where there is something on the derelict inside the ship stalking you as you pick it clean of supplies and logs. Really give that Alien feel.

What would you guys wanna see?



It's beginning to feel like there is some sort of conspiracy to stop the players from solving this mystery - it has been brought up a few times over the years, but never gets much traction and always seems to fade into obscurity. Years ago I posted about this on the Thargoid Anomaly Coalition Discord server... but at some point that server (along with all my research) seems to have disappeared (presumably the server owner closed their account).

I posted it on the Elite Dangerous subreddit a couple of weeks ago after someone reminded me about it, which gained some traction and sparked several lines of investigation... But just over a week later the subreddit moderators deleted the post without providing any notice, explanation or removal reason, then deleted my attempts to direct anyone who appeared to be following any line of investigation to another place where they could continue the investigation, then proceeded to shadow ban me from the entire subreddit, again without providing any sort of notice or explanation (presumably in retaliation for me being critical of their actions, criticism which they have now only reaffirmed was warranted).

Let's see if posting it to lemmy.world fares any better! Here's the original post from Reddit:

I'm sure we've all seen that something appears slightly off in the loading screen (more noticeable in VR since it is pinned to your face Edit: and it seems low graphics quality and messing with gamma can make it easier to see), but most people have just dismissed this as some sort of graphics glitch - however it is very clear to me that it is indeed something hidden there that to the best of my knowledge no one has deciphered. A couple of years ago CMDR Glitterbeard posted this cleaned up version on Twitter (relatively spoiler free. Edit: Apologies to anyone who currently would like nothing to do with X, but consider this link as historical context only which predated all recent controversy):


That perked some interest, but didn't get noticed by enough players and was quickly forgotten.

Some of you may know that I'm one of the main authors of 3DMigoto, a modding tool originally created for adding stereoscopic 3D (not VR) rendering to games, but which has since become a more generally useful DX11 graphics modding tool, and indeed a lot of you will already be using it since it forms the basis of EDHM and CPM. Using this tool I extracted the texture used for this pattern on the loading screen:

CLICK HERE TO REVEAL THE RAW TEXTURE EXTRACTED FROM THE GAME (Canonn members should be aware that using these may be against your player group rules, hence the spoiler tags)

Here's a cleaned up version with the black lines removed:

The raw dds file can also be found here: https://darkstarsword.net/files/elite-dangerous-loading-screen/


There is without any question something hidden there - this is not a glitch or an accident, that texture has been very intentionally crafted that way by Frontier. I've extracted the texture, now it's your turn to help decipher it!


Currently I want some materials or a ship to a friend of mine. Neither of us want to do the grind at the start, and she wants to at least START with the ability to laser mine or fight pirates. Is there a way to give a ship? Or if not, how can I give them minerals that they can then sell and be able to afford the ship?


So… this is news to me, because I don’t have a VR headset, but I can set my Viture Pro XR glasses into SBS (side by side) mode by pressing the small button longer. Some games, like EliteDangerous, can do this as well without fiddling around with Reshade. I didn’t really expect it but it just works. This way I even get 3D on foot, which is not supported for VR in Elite Dangerous Odyssey at all! Side by side Crosseye mode (right eye left, left eye right) though? Add some head tracking to the mix, which is totally possible, and I get a very nice VR-like experience even on foot in Elite Dangerous – and on Linux PC!

This is the SBS version that does REQUIRE VR/XR glasses and mebbe something like xr-video-player: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEtRijojBx8

This is the MONO version that does NOT require VR/XR glasses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYPTk1vygM4

The FOV is somewhat cramped. No idea if this can be tweaked any further but I’ll fiddle with the settings on my next test. Mebbe this can be tweaked (or I use #Breezy Desktop to zoom in somewhat).

Update: I got the aspect ratio somewhat under control. It’s not perfect but much better and an odd combination of window mode and resolution and upscaling, that somehow affects the HUD only but make no sense to me at all. At this point I think it’s simply a bug of Elite. It’s like the HUD doesn’t get the memo to scale up after the intro played. I’m also not sure if this is a side effect of gamescope but I can totally live with this result.

New footage with better aspect ratio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qdvfdpTy_k

New footage with better aspect ratio framepacked, which MAY just work with VR (or fall back to anaglyph) – the YT FAQ is very thin on 3D content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWYYJTqnpz8

Update2: Haha it works! https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/2o5j30/using_google_cardboard_or_equivalent_kit_as_a_vr/ had a lead: It suggests to double the vertical resolution to get a proper aspect ratio with SBS and shrink the resulting window again.

That’s easy with gamescope:

gamescope -h 2160 -w 3840 -H 1080 -W 3840 –scaler stretch

e voila, perfect aspect ratio. Wonder if my GPU manages to keep this up though. May have to throw FSR into the mix.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/elitedangerous

So I'm coming back to the game after a two year break. I didn't get too deep into the game before, mostly doing low level combat and trading.

I was wondering what resources people more familiar with the game would suggest I check out for getting into some of the other content like mining, exobiology, and exploration. I'd like to take a shot at the basics of the different gameplay loops/styles before I start trying to get into the deeper content like engineering.

Unfortunately a lot of guides I've found seem to focus on maximum optimization before you even try to get into the content. I don't want to do an engineering grind, or grind to get an FC, before I figure out if I even like the type of gameplay it's going to make easier.

T-8 ftw (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 months ago by EyIchFragDochNur to c/elitedangerous

Sure this ship can make the Hutton run in less than 12 light years


Graphics and keybindings both are affected. But here's my PSA: if you also own the game on Epic, use Epic via GFN. I only bought oddy on steam but once got ED free on Epic . There I only own the base game without Odyssey, but since it's the same Frontier account, the game lets me disembark.

Feel free to share this information elsewhere



There I was, cruising around massive pieces of shattered titan carapace, my attention divided between scanners and the view through my canopy. I had my heart set on a couple of new, pre-engineered SCO frame shift drives, each of which requires one of those rare treasures known as titan drive components. I had one already, and if there was another floating out here in the wreckage, I was determined to find it.

Preoccupied as I was, I neglected to check my immediate surroundings before applying a hard downward thrust to get around an obstacle, and smacked my ship right into another titan chunk. The impact knocked my shields offline, and damaged the hull as well. Not severely, though, and no enemies had shown up yet. I figured I would be fine continuing my scavenger hunt for the moment. I went back to my search, picking up whatever useful materials I found along the way.

Then, just as I had slowed to a crawl with my cargo hatch open to scoop up some thargoid bits, I noticed another ship getting a little too close for comfort. I hadn't seen any threats or demands on the comms, so I didn't expect a pirate, but it sure looked like it was moving deliberately in my direction. And then, another blip on the scanner. It was a single limpet, zipping along on a direct path to my ship.

I suddenly remembered that this was exactly what an incoming hatch breaker looks like just before it steals your precious cargo. Damn it. My first and only drive component took hours to find, so I didn't want to risk losing it in battle. Maybe I could outrun this thing. As I shut the cargo hatch and reached for my boost button, I noticed an identifying signature on that incoming blip:

Repair Limpet

What?? Was it possible that the would-be thief had hit the wrong limpet button? Surely my scanners wouldn't be wrong about what kind it was. Curiosity got the better of me, so (with my thumb still over the boost button) I checked the nearby contacts. The approaching ship was a Type-9 Heavy. Not quite the typical pirate wagon.

Identification: Rescue Ship


As I sat there in disbelief, the repair limpet diligently sealed up the cracks in my ship, and then... poof ...expired, its job complete. Hull integrity: 100%. The Lakon hulk that brought the little fix-it bot slowly turned toward a new heading, and peacefully lumbered away.

I must have laughed out loud for fifteen or twenty seconds. I have been playing this game for years. I knew it was risky to linger in the flotsam of a dead titan, where nobody ever shows up but pirates, AX teams, and thargoid interceptors. The last thing I would have expected was exactly the encounter I had: a kindly NPC mobile repair service.

Elite Dangerous dev team, I salute you. That was great.



Titan, Down.


Good morning. Titan Cocijo has entered final meltdown. Those seeking to observe its end are advised to be there at approximately 06:36 UTC A good 10+ minutes before the estimated explosion, allows some time for supercruise, positioning, setting up the camera and so on.

Those who wish to do something in the interim - The conflict zones ceased yesterday, though hyperdiction and drop-in Thargoids if they detected you remained hostile, so, no major fighting left in the bubble.

There are still bio-storage capsules on the titan for those willing to grab the sub-surface extraction missiles. Tens of billions were displaced by the Sol invasion, lets see if we can save some of the more unlucky ones. Recovery/repair efforts will take a while in turn most likely.

Past that... will monitor things when possible. We don't know what'll happen next, so, keeping an eye out for rogue signals, checking on the damaged witch head ports, 22460's glowing whirlpool and so on shall continue over time.

Until something else happens... There's nothing to Defend right this minute. After all the incursions and two years of full-force invasions, we're still here.

Make the most of that. Glory, to Mankind.

Disclaimer: I am not a staff member of AXI

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/elitedangerous

Featuring multi angle views. And Commander Mechan Radio. Played on Bazzite.

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