Elite Dangerous

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Elite Dangerous related community. Tips and Tricks about the game.

1.) No NSFW content 2.) Don't fly without rebuy

founded 1 year ago
Odyssey Engineering Mats Help (self.elitedangerous)
submitted 2 weeks ago by lal309 to c/elitedangerous

Okay seriously where the heck do you guys find Audio Logs and Patrol Logs for the audio masking mod? Iโ€™ve raiding countless settlements of different sizes, economies and security levels and have come up empty and by the looks of it, I canโ€™t trade data that I do have for the ones I need like you usually do for ship engineering. O7 Commanders!


Aside: Does anyone know if using the holiday/fireworks flak launchers (e.g. Winking Cat) works with the raw materials brain tree method?


This meetup was hosted and organized by the Pilots Trade Network (P.T.N) as part of an expedition called "The Milky Way Waltz". You can join the P.T.N's discord here

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/elitedangerous

So I am reposing here.

I'll be voting with my wallet going forward.

"I, Commander Eeyore_Syndrome, pledge to not buy my Python MK II until August 7th, 2024". And I was an Odyssey pre-order even.

Who will join with me?

Fascist volunteer mod locked on the official forums because "petition".


Note, not mine. Similar to mine. In fact totally down my alley :D

(Yes, I posted this over at https://discuss.tchncs.de/c/diysimulators too - I have no idea how to cross-post from Lemmy - can this be done at all?)

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/elitedangerous

Wanna fly a Python MK II before August? Sure that'll be some IRL $$$$ please. ๐Ÿคฎ

Don't have Odyssey?

Still a Horizons poor? Shame on you Have to pay up or never fly a Python MK II.

Also "boosted" ships. With weapons + ship kit + paint job.

IMHO let us sell pre engineered ships ourselves eh? >.>

Hey Frontier. How about an engine upgrade to DX12 and some FSR 3.0 instead?


I had a bad feeling about this but it somehow worked out.


Added support for hardware with up to 128 buttons that is registered as an input device (Issue ID 1763)

Nothing short of a miracle ๐Ÿค“


Spent many hours immersed in Elite with my HTC Vive back in the day when the Beyond update dropped. Recently ordered a Bigscreen Beyond to get back into VR. Been needing to finish Alyx and put more hours into the Index wands to justify purchasing them anyhow... What's new in the past 6 years of Elite Dangerous?


I've been a social media junkie for several years now. Covid-19 made it bad, Russia starting a war made it worse.

I got back to my grind at Elite Dangerous a few weeks ago. I've been grinding materials and fed rep several hours every day. It's almost a meditate experience compared to being worried about everything all the time.

And now I noticed that when the game is off, I'm not spending 90% of my remaining time reading social media and news, and I have the energy to actually plan and do stuff.

So grind on captains o7


A guide for the basics behind surviving a gank. Maybe someone on here will find it useful :)

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/elitedangerous

Original thread here

I updated my build based on suggestions from a reddit thread and the original thread here on Lemmy and the build is now fully combat effective in its role as an AFK ship.



The main changes were:

*Reducing the max range of the lasers to prevent unnecessary distributor drain due to turret jitter. Effective range about 4800 m, which is still plenty.

*Addition of two beam lasers for more DPS.

*Replacing many of the guardian shield boosters with engineered hull reinforcement and some more module reinforcements.

*0A shield booster engineering and biweave shield readjusted for additional thermal resistance.

*Large increases in resistances across the board for shields and hull. More robust hull strength. The additional damage resist definitely helps with survivability and seems to have the biggest effect compared to my previous build.

*SLF pilot skill increased to Deadly.

*Engineered G5 Dirty Drag drives to help with turn rates when I do want to play actively.

*Two points defenses instead of 3, additional ammo engineering, on bottom to protect cargo hold. Appears to be sufficient.

*When I want to go somewhere, I swap one of the G5 module reinforcements with a G6 fuel scoop in the Size 6 slot.

With these changes I am able to, with proper massacre mission stacking, take on multiple Threat 8 missions at once. The best I've been able to get so far was 400 million credits across 20 missions (about 175 kills total) per run. Due to the very fast spawning from the high threat enemies it only took a few (two hours) to complete, with an additional 40 minutes for quest pickup and turn-in.

When playing actively, I usually just turn to focus all weapons on enemies and sic my fighter on enemies after scanning them. For shielded Anacondas I try to stay behind them either above or below to prevent all of their weapons from aiming at me. Otherwise I can just stay still and turn to enemies as needed.

Other settings I ran with:

*3 pips shield, 0 pips engine, 3 pips weapons. If playing actively I can get away with 2/0/4.

*Report crimes against me set to ON to get some additional help from system authorities. Definitely helps with shielded anacondas and multiple simultaneous waves.

*3-5 km away from center of Low Haz area, either above or below, about 300-600 m away on the Z axis.

*SLF set to Defend.

*No additional AFK rotation (weight on the rotation key) appears to be needed as SLF does a good job now.

*Cheap cargo (biowaste is fine, lol when pirates want my biowaste). I try to jettison and replace with Occupied Escape Pods to be a juicer target and also add additional income on quest turn-in.

I'm very happy with how this build performance now, but it does require a bit of setup effort and is engineered to the n-th degree.


The famous Jaques Station

The nebula is in sight!


o7 CMDRs, made a tiny demo video show-casing the SimPit in Elite Dangerous ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Pick your poison:

https://tube.tchncs.de/w/1nokGf66oWj34EdMvxYbSn / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXofGR4GRLk

Just slaughtering pirates (wasn't in the cockpit for months) but you get to see it from a first person perspective this time because I strapped the camera to my headphones ๐Ÿ™ƒ

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/elitedangerous

"The main aim of this project was to understand how sectors in the E:D galaxy are named, and to be able to predict a system's location (at least approximately) given only its name.

This would allow for other tools (such as EDSM) to have sanity-checking on user-provided coordinates, and would also allow historical flight logs to be filled in with approximate locations. It would also be useful in other situations where approximate coordinates for a system are required without access to the galaxy map, such as Fuel Rat dispatching."


The green gas giant is in Bleia Dryiae HF-W b35-1

The rest of the pictures are from the system Traikoa FL-P e5-4


Type 10 AFK Build Help

I've recently tried building out and engineering a Type 10 AFK build, but I'm having issues not dying when AFK. I've stuck as many Guardian shield modules that I could fit and engineered all of my shields and boosters to have extremely high damage resistance. Yet even with 4-0-2 pips, I've died every single time (3 out of 3) I actually tried using it to AFK in Low zones with level appropriate stacked massacre missions (no skulls, Threat level 6 maximum, no optional objectives with additional enemies sent against me, constant right spin with AutoHotkey). It's pretty great otherwise at taking out small numbers of pirates in a low stress manner when played actively. I have a novice pilot flying a gimballed beam laser Gelid G.

I still run 3 additional ammo point defenses (2 on bottom, 1 on top) since I can't always find level appropriate transportation missions to fill my cargo hold, so it's easier just to grab some goods as bait from any station.

I run these missions out of the four stations in Gliese 868 all to LP 932-12, and hang out at the Low risk site on the ring of planet LP 932-12 B 5, report crimes against me off, staying 6-11 km away from the center point. Only had one instance where my ship inadvertently hit a system authority vessel and got the smackdown and subsequent fine (pirate still made a killing blow).

Yes, I know AFK play is terrible to some people and that I should be actively playing the game. But I have limited time due to family commitments and want to save up for a Fleet Carrier. Please spare flaming me out for this, I don't need a guilt trip here.


This is a picture of the gas giant in "Thor's Eye"

This picture can be seen anywhere in the empty space between the arms of the galaxy if you look towards the centre:

This is the main star in the Thor's Eye system (aspx for scale):

I didn't get a good picture of the black hole in thor's eye but I'm traveling to another tomorrow!


The picture has a neutron star with a ring around it 12ls in radius.

I am following this route to Colonia: https://www.edsm.net/en_GB/galactic-routes/show/id/1700/name/Sightseeing+From+The+Bubble+To+Colonia


It's a moon in the Epsilon Indi system that orbits its planet once every 86 seconds. It's only 11ly away from sol.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/elitedangerous

Steam Frontier Sale Pricing:


Elite Dangerous: $5.99
Odyssey: $11.24
๐Ÿฅณ**Deluxe: $9.99 (Elite+Odyssey)**๐Ÿ’ฅ

Normal New Pricing:

Elite Dangerous: $19.99
Odyssey: $14.99
Deluxe: $24.99 (Elite+Odyssey)

Runs great on Linux:

Still on Windows 7? Can't upgrade to 11?

"But does it work on Steam?"

"What if I have it through Frontier?"

No new sale/pricing at Frontier Store as of this edit

Epic Game Store has the same pricing as Steam, as well as the same Deluxe edition:

"What if I have it through Epic Games?"

Can also install with Lutris


Elite Dangerous Market Connector is also available as a Flatpak:

Still on Console? ๐Ÿ†“ PC copy:

OLED Switch? Nah we got OLED Steam Deck now:

Refurbished Steam Decks:


Build a T10 they said. It will be fun they said.

Noone told me I had to actually fly that thing.

Update 18 Patch Notes (forums.frontier.co.uk)
submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/elitedangerous

Is it frowned upon to do community goals offline? I tried doing it only and got smoked by a pirate in like 10 seconds. Not upset or anything, piracy is fair game, and it was exciting for the 10 seconds I was alive, but if I actually want to contribute, should I be offline?

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