After reading the comments here, I see the problem: You judge past things by what they have become, and new things by what they are. Nothing will ever be "truly innovative" by those standards.
The automobile was for a long time just a more expensive carriage. The airplane was a pass time for the ultra rich, while anyone else got by with hot air balloons if they wanted to fly. The soviets got to space first by pointing a ballistic missile upwards.
We have CRISPR and can alter the Genes of any living organism to match our needs, but oh well, it's only used by labs right now and anyone else got by perfectly fine by selective breeding, can't call that innovative, can we?
Villeicht könnte man ja ein Tauschangebot vorschlagen:
Ihr hört auf, die Spielplätze kaputt zu machen, und wir hören auf, den Wohnungsmarkt zu zerstören.