
joined 10 months ago
[–] Tudsamfa 6 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago) (2 children)

Despite the name and status as a pest (they are literally European scarabs), I feel nostalgic whenever I see one. Farmers ruthlessly fought them, so there hasn't been a swarming event here in at least 20 years.

[–] Tudsamfa 3 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

Nice try IRS, but you already know what I do: Unemployed, I only deliver newspapers to keep a day rhythm.

Per month 450€ for paper delivery, 600€ from the state (mostly rent assistance).

Lived half a year from my savings without any assistance and learned to cut back at everything unnecessary. Now I get more money and don't need to pay into healthcare. Feels weird to be able to splurge again. Nothing contributes to my pension fund at the moment, but nobody believes in pensions here anyway.

[–] Tudsamfa 17 points 6 hours ago (5 children)

No fireflies where I live, but that doesn't mean my childhood was free of a beautiful insect swarm.

My area had a bad outbreak of cockchafers I got to enjoy.

[–] Tudsamfa 11 points 1 day ago (6 children)

Entweder man stellt sich für die Wähler als rückgratlose Versager da, oder man bekommt die alleinige Schuld für den eventuellen Fall Ukraines. Keine gute Optionen für die Grünen. Guter Schachzug von SPD und CDU.

Da wird vermutlich noch ein Detail zu Gunsten der Grünen ausgearbeitet, um die Wahl leichter zu machen, die Grünen werden aber im Gedächnis bleiben als SPD der Opposition.

[–] Tudsamfa 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Back when Germany finally criminalised marital rape, he was one of very few voting against it. He is more conservative than most of his party.

More recently, he invited wanted for war crimes Netanyahu to Germany and thus break Germany from the ICC. His views on how to handle immigration also align with AFD: he and his party did start a motion in parliament to handle immigration (non-binding) and did try to pass a law to limit it, both with the help of the AFD. 2 Years ago, he sparked controversy nationwide by claiming asylum seekers are clogging up all the dentist appointments for Germans.

He's a pos.

[–] Tudsamfa 7 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Sorry, was half asleep when I wrote that.

CGPgrey did make a ton of prediction on the future of these 2 technologies, but did overestimate their potential in the near future. That much is evident 10/8 years later. The only thing they really excel at is getting money from starry eyed investors, which you can then run away with. Same as it was back then.

[–] Tudsamfa 17 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (3 children)

CGPgrey's AI and his self driving cars videos.

Definitely made some poor choices in life due to these that I could scream into a pillow. The future is always unpredictable, and while behind the scenes I'm sure a lot happened to improve both of these technologies, more than a decade later the use cases of both are still the same - grifting investors.

[–] Tudsamfa 2 points 2 days ago

I remember on Reddit one awful "This is Musk. He didn't like ___, so he invented ___" picture with like 4 examples of things he stole and a stick figure with his head. "Be like Musk" was the bottom text. I agreed with it at first, then I saw it like 6 more times.

Being annoyed at those constant repost made me leave his fan club pretty quick. Oh how naive I was, thinking the worst thing he could be was annoying.

[–] Tudsamfa 5 points 2 days ago

You see kids, back in the days, landline phones were even worse: All the phones in one household would share a single line. Anyone could join the call if they picked up another phone.

Yes, just like a discord voice chat, that's right, except we all hated it whenever more than 1 other person was in a call.

[–] Tudsamfa 6 points 3 days ago
[–] Tudsamfa 2 points 4 days ago

Otto Pohl fühlt sich wohl am Pol ohne Atomstrom.

[–] Tudsamfa 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Yeah, sorry, one comment up from that one was the one I thought you responded too. Doesn't change anything though as far as I'm concerned.

I don't think there is anything left to say, good luck with that Revolution thing.


I needed a physical kitchen scale. Went to the 2nd hand shop. This was the only scale.

I bought it on the spot. Hell yeah.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Tudsamfa to c/pikmin

Around a year ago, I think, I took part in a Pikmin survey after it appeared on my Youtube frontpage community posts.

But I deleted my history and thus have no idea how it went.

The only things I remember is that it asked for "favourite Pikmin Spinoff" and favourite and least favourite pikmin enemy.

ich😔iel (lemmy.world)
submitted 3 months ago by Tudsamfa to c/[email protected]

Ganz praktisch, mein eigenes war dieses Jahr erst zu lang im Regen und hat Rost angesetzt. Außerdem hab ich jetzt ne Tasche für alles.

Vielen Dank, @[email protected]


My OpinionI've been a bit confused why I see videos with that gesture censored, I feel like that rarely happened in the media I consumed a decade ago. However, I believe this "phenomenon" is older than TikTok and its weird censorship.

I'd place giving the finger at a high 2, low 3 on offensiveness, definitely nowhere near gesticulated sexual acts. You can give a child shit for using it, but the occasional finger is something I'd expect from even a teenager.


I get that they and all their up-voters might have valid reasons for needing a one. But at this point I'm not sure if they can even imagine buying anything other than a truck.

Wishing upon the stars that the oversized cars may still be oversized, but a tick smaller. And that last one just needs a Van.

ich👀iel (lemmy.world)

Ich bin ein Meister in der subtilen Beeinflussung.

submitted 4 months ago by Tudsamfa to c/justpost
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by Tudsamfa to c/[email protected]

Moin! Einem Mitbürger beschwerte sich bei mir, dass ja in unserer Gemeinde tiefnachts die Laternen ausgeschaltet werden. Wäre ja deswegen unsicherer hier als wenn nicht. Ich stimmte da nicht zu, erinnerte mich aber an meine Führerscheinprüfung: Dafür gibt es doch extra ein Verkehrszeichen:

Zeichen 394 "Laternenring"

(Soll innerorts an Laternenpfählen kleben, wenn die Latenen nicht die gesammte Nacht brennen.)

Bei besagter Laterne fehlt der Ring aber. Und auch an allen anderen in der Straße. Und eigentlich gab es nur 2 Straßen im gesammten Dorf, bei denen man extrem alte, vergilbte oder teilweise abgerissene Laternenringe erkennen konnte.

Ich hab das mal an eine Behörde gemeldet. Wurde zur Gemeinde weitergeleitet, die bestätigt, dafür zuständig zu sein. Das war vor 2.5 Monaten. Getan hat sich bisher nichts. "Kann aus Kapazitätsgründen dauer". Meiner Recherche nach ist einzige freie Stelle an der Gemeinde eine Putzkraft (m/w/d). Störn tut mich das Auschalten ja nicht, dass Lokalpolitiker aber offenbar fürs Nichtstun bezahlt werden, schon.

Hat hier irgendwer Erfahrung mit Kommunalpolitik, Ahnung welcher Zeitraum bei ~150 Laternen eigentlich normal ist, Anregungen wie Ich möglichst Passiv-Aggresiv bei meiner 2-ten Mail wirke, oder Kommentare, dass ich mich über nichts aufrege?

ich_iel (lemmy.world)
submitted 4 months ago by Tudsamfa to c/[email protected]

"In world first, Russian chess player poisons rival’s board with mercury"

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by Tudsamfa to c/fuckcars

Thought about comparing different modes of transport, but realized it would be way too subjective. For example, if 5 km are in biking range is dependent on biking infrastructure, available public transport, how in shape you are...

But then I realized I can just simplify all these things away to get the optimal transportation flowchart. Simple is always better, right?

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